11- your sick

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will watch over you 
gets you your blankets and meds
watches over you like a dog
if you cough he worries
if you sneeze he worries
if you throw up he calls June over to come and check up on you. (wich is like every fucking second)
will give you your rest
tells everyone to leave you alone
hovers over you 


knows what to do when your sick
asks how you got sick
checks the symptoms
if its a cold he'll do what he need to do
if its not a cold he calls June
if you got covid (yes i went there) then he watches you 24-7
will tell you his medic storys and how many bots hes saved or killed....
when your done with being sick he still watches you 


dosnt know what to do 
asks ratchet
once he knows what to do he dose it it to the max
asks you if your ok every 5 minutes
stands over by you 
dosnt let raph come near you or anyone eels actually
gets you water 
gets you food
lets you rest (but still watches you sleep not creepy at all....)


dosnt know what to do
asks ratchet on what to do
gets confused witch leads to even more stress
thinks that your more fragile
dosnt want to touch you cause he thinks he might hurt you
watches over you 
asks ratchet on what to do
when your better he holds you for a long time


asks Miko on what to do 
hes kind of dumb when it comes to you being sick but will try his hardest to understand
gets you your supplies to get better
watches movies with you to make you feel better
once you feel better he takes you and Miko to the monster truck show
(sorry that thats ones sort of short i didnt know what to do....)

-Ultra Magnus-

becomes a Sargent when your sick
tells you when to sleep
tells you how much food to eat
makes you clean after yourself
optimus and ratchet talk to him and tell him to lay off a little
becomes more sweeter 
dosnt tell you what to do
will force you to sleep

(alright sorry that its been so long ive been really busy because im also sick so give a big fucking thumbs up to my body for keeping me healthy.)

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