12- Optimus prime

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it was a cool morning and you were walking to the store with money in your pocket you were going to get some milk and other foods.

you saw headlights belonging to a certain bot and you smiled. optimus was driving over to you slowly.

you stopped and waited for him to come to a complete stop before he slowly opened the door and waited for you to get in. you hopped in the passengers' seat and closed the door and optimus drove off.

"hey prime." you said a smile coming off of your face.

"hello (Y/N)." optimus commented as he continued to drive.

"how did you get here?" you ask looking out the window.

"i was coming over to your estate to check up on you." optimus says. you only nod.

moments pass when you start to feel the vibes in him change, something was wrong. "prime are you ok?" you ask looking at the steering wheel.


you started to get nervous. 'why isnt he talking to me?' you thought.

"(Y/N)." optimus says. you blink a couple of times and look back at the wheel.

"yhea?" you ask.

"i will not waste your time on telling you this." he says his voice lowering into a somber note.

"i will have to leave you." he finishes.

your eye widen and you start to panic. "w-what?" you look around the space and worry.

"the team and I will have to leave for cybertron in a few short hours." optimus says his voice was filled with dread.

"wait your leaving me?" the thought of someone like him leaving you takes you back.

tears prick your (E/C) eyes as you try to hold back the sobs. "why dose this always happen to me?" you say out loud.

this catches optimus off guard. "pardon?"

you bring your knees to your chest and cry. "everyone that i love ALWAYS leaves me and im powerless to stop them." you sniff.

you hated crying even if you were crying at optimus.


"stop here." you say, it sounded more like a command but he still followed.

he pulled over and you gathered your stuff and opened the door.

"goodbye optimus prime." you sigh as you jumped out and looked in the empty cab.

"i Loved you."

and just like that you closed the door and walked off and away from the only one who made you feel happy.

(ok im sorry i know thats sad but i dont know im in a good mood but whatev hope you guys liked it and have a GREAT DAY!)

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