26- Optimus prime

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(11 reads...let's see if my maths right... that's...2 stories.

*cashes in 10 reads*

Alright let's start this long ass story hope you guys like it. And im making it smut .)

You knew the prime never showed his feelings. He was suppost to keep them checked at all times. And it was truly rare to see him smile. He had what your freinds ryleigh says to be

Resting bitch face.

And it may or may not have been true. He did look mad all the time but you knew he wasn't all the time. But it still was strange to see him look at you with that face while you talked to him about.. things.

And today was one if those times that you decided it was a good idea to bring it up. It was really hard to not get red everytime you did though. But how could you not while he was looking at you like that.

So you walked over feeling a needy feeling. And you kinda liked that. You haven't had the prime in a minute. And if you were being honest you were a sex addict. Not wanting it every day but God you wanted it

So you strolled over and leaned over the railing. He was decrypting something and you waited as he scared over the codes. It wasn't fun watching him so you turned over to the bot a smile on your face.

"Hey optimus." You said locking your inner lips. Optimus didn't look away from his screen but greeted you anyway. "Hello y/n." He said.

Your chest tightened. The way his voice made you feel. It would tear you apart if you let it.

"I have a burning question for you optimus." You started looking down not wanting to look at him in the eye. You were getting nervous. Damn him.

"And that would be?" The prime asked. The comment made him look up at you and then he saw. He saw your face. It was red and your body was leaning over the railing showing your cleaverage. But the prime could contain his urge.

Damn her.

"I umm well I've been feeling something." You started. The prime stared you down and he knew what you wanted he was stupid. But he wanted to hear you say it. Little did you know little reader of mine, your big boy prime was the most hardest dom you knew. And never inb your life would you think that he knew what BDSM was.

Let me just give you a taste of what he can do. *wink*

The prime watched as your body swayed over and aways from the rail. It was so hard for you to talk while he looked at you like this.

Now granted you were a sub nit surprising. So to help you speak the prime leaned over to you and brought his fingers to your chin and made you look at him. "Are you having troubles communicating y/n?"

You flushed red again. God the heat was already getting to you.


"Just say it."

"You know what i...want.."

"No I don't."

Fuck he was playing you. And he was a God at this. The heat in your legs grew and he watched as your body weight shifted from back and forth. Your thighs moved around and the prime hummed.

"I cannot help you if you can't tell me what's wrong y/n." Optimus says letting your face go and turning back to his work.

"God damnit optimus!" You yelled angels and you threw your arms up into the air. You were frustrated. Sexualy frustrated.

And when you were like this is when the prime liked it. "Watch your language." The prime said calmly. But when he saw you turn around your eys were narrowed and your hands were balled up in fists.

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