6- ultra magnus

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you were sitting in the human area and looked at your sketchbook and flipped threw the pages. you were an artist not gunna lie but sometimes you looked at Mikos and took pity on her poorly drawn pictures.

Ultra Magnus looks down at you in suspicion. "what are you doing?" he asks. you look up and blush. Ultra Magnus dosnt talk to you much and to be honest you had a crush o the bot but he would never know.

"im uhhh looking at my art work form the past." you say flipping threw the pages again. Ultra Magnus raises a optic ridge. "you illustrate?" he asks.

it takes you a moment for you to understand. Ultra Magnus talks like optimus but even he talks and you understand him. "yhea i draw." you say looking down.

you hear a hum from the bot. "may i have a view of your art work?" Ultra Magnus asks nodding to your book. your eyes widen. "umm sure." you say before showing him your art.

"what is that?" he asks pointing at one of the pictures. you look as well and see what it was

 you look as well and see what it was

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"umm." you start. you look around the room not wanting to look at the picture. "you have done a portrait of me." he states.

you only nod blush spreading across your face. "very good detail (Y/N)." Ultra Magnus. you look at him.

"what?" you ask.

"did i stutter?" he asks confused.

"no but you said it was good..." you say looking at him fully now.

"do you think i would lie to you?" he asks looking at you now. your lips form a straight line.

"nooo.." you say.

"well then dont ask if you know." he remarks. you giggle. "what?" he asks.

"do you mind if i draw you for real?"

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