15- Ratchet

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(ok ok ok i know that this is good and i really like this guy so dont hate on me)

Looking inside the bookstore you smiled at the owner. stepping inside with a smile you looked inside with a wowed expression.

"like what you see?" the old man asked with a warm smile as he handed you a book that you pre-ordered.

"yes sir i love it here thank you for not judging me for my taste of books." you say with a flustered smile. the owner only laughs and nudges your arm playfully.

"your not the only one who like s that stuff ya' know." he says his face worn from all the smiling hes done over the years. looking at him with a wholesome smile you look at the cover of your book and smile at the title.

"Christina Dodd, that scandalous evening." you whisper under your breath. the man only nods.

"never heard of the author but i can see that you like her." he smiles and glances past you to welcome the new customer.

"speaking of the devil," the man says as he nods over to the man behind you with a grin. looking behind you you stumble back a little hitting the desk that the owner was behind with a soft thud.

"oh im sorry..." you try to say but then the owner just starts to laugh as if he saw something humorous.

"oh im sorry mam." the man says. looking at him more clearly you see that he has a mask on and only one of his eyes were uncovered

"ill just get out of your way.." you say sliding over to the other side of the store with blush clear as day on your face. the man walks over to the desk and purchases a book as well. the owner smiles as he looks at you with a wink and then nudging his head over to the masked man as if to tell you something important.

your eyes widened and the blush only grew more. ' he wants me to talk to this guy!?!' the thought swarmed threw your head and your hands grew sweaty as your book conveniently slipped threw your fingers and hitting the ground with a thud.

quickly trying to get it you see another hand that was not yours grab it at the same time. the hand belonged to the masked man as he grabbed the book and looked at the cover reading the title.

"i didnt know that someone reads these type of books." he says surprised.

"well im not an average person, now if you please-" you walk closer to him and try to grab the book from his hands but he pulls away and holds it up over your head.

"Is this historical romance?" he asks reading the back. your frantic attempt to get the book fails as you grab his arm and try to pull it down. But, when you try to pull his arm down it just stays there.

"sir, its highly rude to take something that dosnt belong to you." you say pulling down with all of your strength. still his arm stays there.

"hmm, true." he says as if thinking out loud. lowering down his arm and you he gives you back your book with a closed eyed smile.

"sorry miss..." he looks at you as if to try to ask for your name.

"(y/n) (l/n)." you say looking away blushing.

"well, (y/n) (l/n), it was nice to meet another reader such as yourself." he bows a little as walks over to the door.

"wait!" you call out. he stands out of the door half open. looking over at you he hums.

"what your name?" you ask folding your arms. the man closed eye smiles as he responds.

"Kakashi, Kakashi Hatake." and with that he leaves the store with his name swimming threw your mind.

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