27- Megatron

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(My dear reader you have entered the role of being Megatrons pet meaning that your life is about to be changed so love this with everything you have.

So now with all that is holy I give you your last chapter for the exchange for thr reads on A Superst Is Born and I will make this story long as well and smut bc I can't write anything else.)

Another day in the war ship. Another long walk tot he bridge given dirty looks from the cons that's walk past you. The hisses from the insecticons making you step further away from them. They always creeper you out and you were confused as to how they claimed up the God damn walls. Shit terrified you.

But as you made your way down to the bridge you saw a slender con. A jet. His form skinny and his claws long and sharp. Your least favorite con on the ship starcream.

(If you do like this con I'm sorry but imma roast him for the content.)

The high heeled con looked down at you and rolled his eyes. You hated this con and he didn't particularly like you either which you didn't care. Starscream eyes you and he spoke.

"What a veil creature, roaming around this ship like a lost dog. How sad to see such a pitiful being." He snickered. The grin on his face made your blood boil but you gained right back and placed your hand on your hip getting ready to roast the screaming star yourself. But as you opened your mouth the door to the bridge opened revealing the high and mighty lord of the ship.

His gaze went to starscream first. "Why are you just standing there go make yourself useful if that's even possible." Megatron said. The venom from his comment sunk into the small con and he stuttered and looked down at you. Your smile only grew. He couldn't say anything to you now. Starscream gritted his teeth together and stomped away but not before you said something.

"That's right drag queen walk away. Go on now strut away you high heeled wanna be!" You yelled as he walked away. You weren't proud of the insult knowing you could do better and you felt bad for the drag Queens that you just offended. You would make a better insult later.

But as you stood there so did megatron. He didn't move from his spot. But you knew he was looking at you. How could he not you just yelled at a 23 foot con who could easily kill you. You had the ball bearings to even say something to the con. That's made him smile he didn't choose a weak human after all.

"That was awfully brave of you." Megatron said to you. You smiled and crossed your arms over your chest. "Screamer said something nasty to me I might as well say something back a great conversation." You said. "Yes well he needs to be put in his place." Megatron says now leaning down to extend his hand to you.

You claimed on top and he lifted you up and placed you on his spiked shoulder. At least you had something to hold onto.

When Megatron walked back into the bridge he went over to the large window of the nemesis and brought his hands behind him. He stood there looking out the window with you on his shoulder.

It seems something was on the war lords mind and so you decided it was a good time as any to ask.

"What's on your mind Megs?" You asked the nickname caught his attention. Megs. It was strange but he liked it coming from you. Megatron sighed and muttered to you.

"I've been experiencing new found emotions and I'm trying to decipher what they mean." Megatron explains to you. New emotions, this should be fun.

"Such as what describe them to me." You invited. Megatron with something new is like a child asking questions 24/7 but you welcomed it especially if it was a question about human emotions.

Megatron shifted and he spoke again. "When you come onto the bridge for example." Megatron says now turning his head to you. His red and white eyes capturing you in a gaze.

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