35- Swidle

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"who said i wanted this?" swindle says holding your glass container and shaking you around a little.

"relax, i got her off the black market she wont make to much of a fuss." lockdown says with a smile as he taps your glass. you cover your hears in pain as the echo of the tapping hurts your small ears.

"why would i want some puny human." swindle says with a frown as he looks you over.

"she looks like skin and bone nothing good will come to having her with me. I want a refund." swindle looks back at lockdown with a snear.

"hey ill tell you what buddy, if you dont like her or anything that she does for the next 2 months ill take her back and give you your money back. if you do you can keep her and ill leave you alone."

swindle looks back at you then at lockdown.

"take a test drive huh? i like that deal." swindle says as he holds out his hand for lockdown to shake. lockdown smiles as he shakes hands with the fellow deception in agreement.

leaning down to you lockdown smiles.

"be good to him ya' hear?" lock down says tapping on your glass again.

covering your ears again you only nod.

as lockdown leaves swindle looks at you and smiles.

"this will be a great investment."

the first month was hell and you hated being looked at by the bot. his purple eyes looked at you every time and he asked questions everyday. you hated him for the first month but then you started to like him and you cursed the day when you did.

you were allowed to walk around swindles ship without being chained up or anything so you walked around admiring all the little trinkets and whatnots that he had lying around the ship.

"(y/n)?" you heard him call out as he walked around the halls of his won ship trying to find you. you didnt want to answer but you did. "right here." you said raising your hand to get his attention. swindle looked over at you and smiled. "ahh there you are." he aid walking over to you and holding out his hand for you to sit in. 

he was sweeter then you thought. sometimes he could be a real pain but then on other days he would actually care about you enough to make sure that you were ok and apparently this was one of those days where he cared about you and what happened to your small body.

walking around with you in his hand he made his way back to the deck of the ship and you looked out into the windows and saw the darkness of space all around you. "we have a meeting to get to and i dont want to be late." he says sitting down and putting in the coordinated area. you looked around and nodded. "where to?" you asked 

swindle looked at yo and smiled greatly. "back to that little dirt ball that you call home." he says finishing the coordinates. your ryes light up at his words and you smiled greatly. "really! am i really going home?" you couldn't believe that he would be taking you home after all this time you realized how much you missed earth and its air and the look of the grass which now you remembered as purple and knowing that wasn't right.

swindle laughed at the words and then looked at you with a nice smile playing on his lips. "yep! got to go and make a sweet deal with the lord of darkness himself." he said. you knew who he was talking about and you only nodded. it was megatron and when he wasnt here or when swindle was talking mess about him he would call him that and it always made you smile.

"the lord of darkness is at earth still?" you asked swindle and he nodded at yo and sat back in his chair and then thought for a minute. "yo know i haven't really thought about this but now i am." he says now looking out into the vast space. "when i first bought you- i mean got you" he knew yo hated to be called a bought human or trafficked so he fixed his words quickly but you still heard them and it made you sad knowing that he still might just see you as a sale opportunity.

"i was never really thinking that i would actually care about something like you but then you were a kind human and it changed me for something i haven't ever felt and i don't know what to say about it." you were shocked that he was telling you this

sure, he had his sweet moments where he actually cared and listened to you but now he was telling you that he wanted you around and yo felt the same way. "i would agree with that." you said lifting your chin up to look  at him a growing smile on your face as did one on his. 

"so now that all that mushy stuff is out of the way." he said looking out into space once more. "here we are!"

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