20- Ratchet

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It wasn't long until your boyfriend was grumpy again. You didn't ask why nor did you want to. You knew all to well how mad he would get. To the point that he would yell at you for no reason. But it wasn't something you wernt used to. Like a angry Karen yelling about her food. That's how he acted sometimes and it drove you over the edge.

"I can't believe that bulkhead broke my fusion compactor yet again!." He yelled throwing his hands up in the air. You rolled your eyes and dared to talk. But you did. "What's wrong with you?" You asked looking over your shoulder and watching the old bot as his fit seemed to only grow as yiu were now in the area.

"Did you hear me?" Ratchet asks glaring at you. "How could I not? Your yelling." You said. Ratchet muttered something under his breath and you narrowed your eyes at him. "What was that I couldn't hear you." You said temping him to say something anything.

Ratchet looked at you and he thought. He hated yelling at you. But if he could change the subject that would be better. He needed to distract himself form the collides for a moment and you were his Sparkmate it was your job.

"I said I...well." he couldn't speak he didn't know what to talk about. You raised your brow and waited for him but when you knew nothing would come out you rolled your eyes again. "When yiu have something to talk about let me know." You said turning back around and continued playing on your phone.

Ratchet glared at you. How was it that he fell in love with someone so..rude. no it wasn't rude. If it was he would be called rude as well. Ratchet now started thinking about you and how mad you have been over the past couple of days. 'Couod she be on her cycle?' He asked himself but then he dismissed his thought knowing you would tell him if you were.

Then he got to thinking to remembering any other time you had been so well lets put it simply pissy. And when he knew what was wrong or he guessed what was wrong he sighed.

He came uo behind yiu and sneezed a peek at what you were doing. And his suspicions were right. You were reading. But ratchet knew all to well that you wernt reading some simple book. You were reading erotica. A character x reader. He had asked what it was at first and you explained it. It was sex but in writing.

Ratchet knew why you were reading it it was like clockwork. When you wernt having it you were reading it. Ratchet thought back to the last time he had...done it with you and he realized it was at least 4 months ago.

Ratchet sighed again and thought about it. How would he approach you with it again. It was by accident last time. But over all you needed him. It wasn't that he wasn't willing it wasn't that at all. He just didn't know how to get the ball rolling. Sure he wanted to love you bit you are his first he's not used to this.

But he dragged himself form his thoughts and looked back at you. He saw that your hand had been placed between your legs. Yiu say it was because your hands are always cold but he knew better. You were wet. The story you were reading must have been good.

Ratchets mind ran from him all he wanted now was you. He could see yiur body on his primus he would love that. But the harder part was getting you. So without another wasted moment he changed into his smaller form and walked up the stairs. When he got tot he couch he looked down at you.

You had your headphones in probably listening to sex songs. He knew you better then you did. So then he walked around the couch and sat down looking at you. You were so into your story you didn't even see him.

So he leaned into your body your sent drove him mad he knew you were wet he could smell it. And with that he brought his hand to your leg and you jumped. "Holy shit!" You screamed quickly pulling out a earbud. "Where did you come from?" You asked flustered.

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