45- Infiltration

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It wasnt long before you got inot their systems.  a sly smirk came across your faceplate and you accessed their files. you scrolled down not finding much. rolling your eyes at some of the files that made you sigh. it wasnt long before you found it. the thing soundwave requested for. you grabbed your drive and plugged it in and waited for it to load . while it did you heard someone behind you. when you did turn around you saw the human named ryleigh. she had just woke up it seemed. 

"hey." she said her voice lower then what you originally hear. "hello.." you said distracted by the small human. ryleigh walked up to you and smiled softly. "what are....oh." she looked at your screen and you aimed your blaster at her. daring her to scream. but her face was blank and it was as if she dint care. "do it." ryleigh said bluntly even stepping closer to your blaster to where her forehead touched the metal. 

"im right here and it would be a very good excuse." she said softly. what in the name of the primes was this human talking about. she wanted you to kill her but why? 

"what is wrong with you?" you asked pulling your blaster away a from and shock written over your faceplate. this little human made you feel as if she was bigger then you but surly she was just tired. ryleigh looked up at you her eyes clouded and she took another step. "i know your not on our team. its kind of obvious." she said chuckling to herself. "but it was fun at least i got a kick out of it." 

ryleigh sat down next to you and you rolled your eyes. why were you getting feelings sad ones. was it just her mood that chocked you out. "why are you acting like this ryleigh, your usually happy." you said breaking the ice looking at the bar seeing that it want even done yet. 

ryleigh shrugged and she looked at her hands. "i guess im just not feeling like it tonight." she looked up at you again and you saw it. something had happened to the poor human. something not even a decepticon could think of. 

she had scars and marks on her wrist as if she was just done.....

"ryleigh." you said worried. ryleigh shook her head. "dont worry about me (y/n). do your own thing ill just be here." she said as if dismissing your worry. 

you shook your own head and bent down. "ryleigh why are you doing this to yourself i thought you didnt.. you trialed off and she smiled as if she were done with life done with everything. "you dont have sad days? huh i thought that was the decepticons way of haveing a good day." she chuckled again and you knew it wasnt a jab but it felt like it. 

you looked up at the screen seeing that it was a third of the way done. you groaned and went back up choosing to forget about what you just did. but it was hard to do due to the fact that the human was right beside you. her eyes were droopy as if she were to fall asleep or even..

"ryleigh are you trying to end.." you looked down one last time and saw that ryleigh had fainted from all the loss of blood. you panicked. if she were to die next to you you couldn't forgive yourself. you looked at the screen and your spark twisted and turned. you had to do this for soundwave. but you couldn't. you couldn't do that and leave ryleigh here. bleeding out on the floor. your spark nor mind wouldnt allow it. 

seeing that the screen was still downloading you grunted and canceled the download. ripping out the drive you crushed it in your hand letting the pieces fall form your hands before you bent down to ryleigh and held her lip body in your hands. 

"scrap scrap scrap!" you said as you dashed through the halls. you decided it wasn't a god idea to go to optimus so you ran to ratchet the medic. you banged on his door and chose not to wait. 

"ratchet wake the frag up!" you yelled. ratchet jumped from his berth and landed from the flor a line of curse words escaping his lips but you dint care. 

"what in the name of the allspark do you think your doing?" and when he sat up from the floor he saw that you were holding something small in your hands fear in your optics. 

ratchet got up and saw that it was ryleigh in your hands. there was blood on your hands but you didnt care not right now. ratchets eyes widened and he rushed you and him out of the room and ran to the med bay. 

he ordered you to go and get everyone awake while he tended to ryleigh. you ran through the halls and banged on the doors giving a brief description on what was going on. you then made it to optimus room. you hesitated but knocked on it anyway. not banging, knocking.

you heard rustling nd then you heard the door open and then you watched as you saw optimus look down at you a frown at his face. but the look on your face was filled with fear and soon he saw that you just didnt bang on his door for no reason. something was wrong. and so while you and him walked down the halls and with the prime following close behind you told him what was happening. apologizing multiple times that you woke him up. 

when you got to the main room everyone was huddled around and they whispered things. arcee was talking to bulkhead who looked back and forth. they were both concerned. bee was watching through the window in the cylinder. his worry getting the best of him as he tried to enter the cylinder. but he couldnt because smokescreen and ulta magnus held him back. 

wheeljack was quiet as if in thought. did he think it was his fault. you didnt care 

you just knew that you couldnt leave them now fuck soundwave this was your family now and right now you were worried for one family member.

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