48- optimus prime

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(TW! TRIGGER WARNING!  Be advised that this part of thr story will have mentioned of harm, trauma and other badly related mentions if ypu do not wish to read I strongly suggest it)

"And where are you going?" You heard behind you. You were so close to the door. So close to freedom form this hell hole you called a home. It was your step mothers voice of course. She was a short thing. Shorter then you. Her hair was pulled up in a ponytail and you could have sworn you saw little devil horns on either side of her head. 

"I'm heading to work why?" You said not wanting to tell her why did she need to know. You were a adult now 19 and with a full time job and cash to spend why does she always need to ruin yiur life with her voice or even her presence. 

She scoffed and mentioned to the back of the house where your dog were at. "Not until you feed the dogs." She said. You looked at her as if she were stupid. Like she didnt know what 2+2 was. She was telling you what to do. The responsibility of feeding the dogs made yiu frustrated. They wernt even your dogs to begin with. Sure you loved them with every fiber in your body but you were already running late. 

"Cant ypu feed them?" You asked rolling your eyes. It was the that she coupd she was off today and what was she going to do? Sit on her phone? She narrowed her eyes at you glaring at you. And usualy you would break down and do what she says but that hasnt happened in over 2 years and you thanked her for everyday that you didnt do what she told you to. 

All theise years 7 years to be exact she has done nothing but rain he'll fire on your life and everyone around her. You and your dad used to to so close until she came along and whispered litrle things into the ear saying that you were a good for nothing daughter. How dare she. 

You closed your eyes and took a breath clearing your mind of all the thoughts about just slamming her head into the wall next to you and when you looked back your mood had changed immediately. "You feed them (s/m/n) (step moms name) I have to go to work." 

And thats when you turned back around and took the door handle and twisted it opening the door. The sun was brighter then it has been in the past couple of days and you were glad you were being blinded. 

Your step mother was furious. So much so that she grabbed your wrist stopping you from moving anywhere. You flinch at the sudden contact. "I wont ask again." She says harshly. 

Something then in the moment snapped inside of you. All of the anger you had against her. The past came up to haunt you. All the pain she caused to you. All the night you cried because if HER. 

Your fingers curled into a ball and you swung. 

It hit her in the jaw and she was sent back letting go of your wrist and stumbling back and landing on the floor. You huffed out and looked down at her. "DONT YOU EVER TOUCH ME AGAIN BITCH!" you screamed. 

Then you ran out of the house the adrenaline in your veins clouded your thoughts and you went into your car and started it driving out of the parking space and accelerating down the street your mind clouded. 

The first one to call was your dad which you hung up.

The next call was your step sister she called twice 

Last was your best freind Alex. He was there for you when you needed him and well he knew your parents. And they knew him. 

You dreaded it but you picked up the phone. 

"Hey alex." 

"HOLY SHIT YOU PUNCHED (S/M/N)!" Alex yelled laughing. Your mood changed like a switch. From clouded to happy and proud. "Sure shit did she touched me." 

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