17- Ratchet

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you looked up at the sky and saw the stars sparkle. you looked down at the ground as you thought of your true love. your everything. 

but he was with another and it hurt you more then the whole world ending. so without further thought

you fell


you sat there and looked at the doctor watching how he could easily get mad. annoyed or anything ells. he made you smile and yo wanted to tell him that. but as you looked around the base you saw the eyes of a red white and green bot. his eyes were trained on your crush and you knew why he was looking at him like that.

hooks of pain caught onto your heart and pulled tightly. you flinched and then looked away from the bot. you knew he was thinking of him and you hated it. but you knew you could never say anything to him. you couldnt o up to the medic and confess you couldnt even look at him when his eyes were on you

so you sat there and watched the whole show from the nose bleeds taking it all in. you watched the wreaker flirt with the medic and ratchet always groaning or sighing but at the end you would see him smile as if he enjoyed the teaseing and flirting and it broke you even more.

you wished that he would look at you, to see the pain in your eyes as he was being flirted with. you wanted him to do tat to you. but why would he? you were just a human compared to him. the wreaker was what he wanted and you couldnt change his mind no matter how hard you stared at him.

when the wreaker came back again he came up behind the medic and wrapped his arms around his waist and pulled him in close. no one was in the base at that time. but you were. you watched it unfold quiet as you heard the wreaker whisper dirty things to the medic. 

you hated the wreaker for twisting the medics mind but you stood on the sidelines watching him. ratchet took a breath and turned around and then wheeljack took ratchets leg and brought it up to his hip. again the wreaker spoke softly to a mere mutter. 

you knew what he was saying and you scowled as he spoke. your heart twisted and turned from what you were watching and you turned away and looked out into space not wanting to listen. but how could you not. you then heard a sharp intake of breath and it wasnt you.

when you turned your head you saw the wreakers lips on your crushes neck as ratchet blushed madly. that was the breaker for you. thats when you couldnt take it anymore. you silently got up and turned away and went up to the roof.

when you got there you looked out into the sun set and sat down on the edge of the plato and tried to shove the memories from your head. the way ratchet looked made your stomach turn and the friendship you had with wheel jack shattered. 

wheeljack always saw you when you looed at ratchet and now he was taking him form your grasp not caring about you. this broke you so you brought your knees to your chest and cried until your eyes ran out of tears. you were going to go back inside but you heard someone come up from behind you. 

it was wheeljack and he came beside you and sat down sighing with a tune of happiness. you scowled again. "hey (y/n)." he greeted. you didnt respond and so he continued not wanting to start into your drama he thought you had bottled up inside. 

"ive got a question." he said looking down at you. you finally looked up at him and he smiled at you. "how do you tell someone you like them?" and you wanted to scream at him. 'HOW DARE YOU ASK ME SOMETHING THAT STUPID! YOU WERE JUST KISSING UP A STORM WITH MY RATCHET!' you wanted to scream. 

but you couldn't do that to him. a sliver of friendship surfaced in your mind. 'let them they should be together and you should be happy for them that's what a good friend does.' you clamed down and looked again at him.

you took a breath and then turned fully to him. "what i would do if i was you." you said imaging ratchet sitting there instead of wheel jack. "i would take their hands in mine and look at them in the eyes." you looked up and twisted his appearance to look more like ratchet. 

"i would tell you that i have never have felt like this and i know that you may not ever see me as a type of person who shows emotion but now i am. you are my world and if you break then i do. you are perfect and your laugh is what i want to hear your voice always sooths me and your eyes sparkle with love." 

you wanted to tell ratchet this. "you are everything to me and i cant live without you. i see you everyday when i get here and your always there. i cant see myself without you." you felt like the whole world was silent to your words but you looked up at wheeljack and the face of your lover faded to him. 

"wow." he said stunned that you said everything. you looked away and coiled back up. "at least thats what i would say." you said. wheeljack thought for a minute before thanking you. you nodded and he got u and left you alone. the sun had set on jasper and so did your heart. it settled into the cool sadness of knowing that ratchet would never love you. 

~2 Months Later~

you saw wheel jack confess, everyone did. you saw ratchet moved by his boldness as he said yes. they were to be married. you tried not to show your hatred for wheel jack for the past two months ad its worked. for the most part. 

you still cried yourself to sleep ever night, you still tried not to look at the couple, you tried so hard. but as the days turned into weeks and the weeks turned to months you couldn't take it. so tonight you were out side like every night looking out into the starry sky. the sun had set a few hours ago and your thoughts swarmed. 

you looked up at the sky and saw the stars sparkle. you looked down at the ground as you thought of your true love. your everything. how he could leave your grasp so easily.

but he was with another and it hurt you more then the whole world ending.  it torn you apart and you couldn't do it anymore seeing them so happy while you were dyeing inside so without further thought

you fell. 

when the doctors looked more closely they found a note in your pocket. they knew what it was. there always is one. it was addressed to someone like always. when June was told that there was a note she took it and gave it to the designated reader. Ratchet.

he was in a depressed state with your death. everyone was. so when June gave him the note he almost broke. he opened it and read what was inside and chocked on tears.


i would tell you that i have never have felt like this and i know that you love another person someone who whats you someone who needs you. may not ever see me as a type of person who shows emotion but now i am. you are my world and if you break then i do. you are perfect and your laugh is what i want to hear your voice always sooths me and your eyes sparkle with love. 

you are everything to me and i cant live without you. i see you everyday when i get here and your always there. i cant see myself without you. i cant see you without him and thats what hurt me to my core. 

ive always had dreams with you and me as we sat outside hand in hand as we would watch the sun set. but now yo will do that with someone eels and im happy for you i truly am. but the pain will never go away and the tears will never stop falling from my eyes as i watch yo and him together.

I hope you two last forever. like ive dreamed for us. 

I love you ratchet.


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