30- Optimus prime

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(Sorry that I haven't been on this book for so long I got alot of things to do I'm going to be graduating and doing all this Shimiz

Love you all tho~♡)

Warning: student x teacher (soldier x commander) harsh sex. Rough sex. Long plot. Very descriptive. Optimus gets fucked by a switch very sub first. Dom then last. Optimus gets fucked both ways. Punishment.

"Drop and give me 20!" He yelled to you his jaw clenched tightly. The rust on his coat was running along the side of his face the dents on his body reflected the light off of his body.

Primus he was so old.

You followed the ordered given to you without question and you started lowering yourself up then raining them up continuing that motion 20 more times. When you were done you came back up and looked forward. The bot came back to you the scowl on his face taken down a little.

"And what have we learned when we question your commanding officer?" He said the grin on his face he knew he had got me right where he wants me. All the other soldiers were looking at me. Like a show you would watch and bet on one person or another.

I took a needed breath and closed my eyes. "That when you defy the commanding officer you will suffer great consequences." I say bringing my hands up and quoting my fingers over the "great". The commander stands tall for a moment basking in my defeat gloating to himself. Then the look falters and he heard my words and he leaned down to bare his teeth again.

The commander opens his mouth but before he can make a word we both heard a bomming voice come over him.

"That's enough."

The voice carried over to the commander and he looked defeated and he looks away from me and sighs. He mutters something while he walks away and I turn to who put him in his place.

And even I'm intimidated.

He was the reason why everyone's here. He's the reason why this spike-head is yelling at me. He's the reason why im staring at him.

The blue, red, and sliver coat was faded from his body and he leaned to the side letting his left hip support all the top weight. He looked down at me and the ligh from his eyes made me stay quiet. His look was full of authority but yet a calm bot behind all the cahos.

"You are making my job a living nightmare Y/N." He states shaking his head a little like a disappointed father.

I smiled and stood fully and slauted to him. "It's a honor to see you sir!" I said shouting it to him. He narrows his eyes and sighs once more this time heavier.

-Time skip to Optimus office-

"In ya go." Optimus said as he opened the door for you and gestured inside. You smiled and walked I like you owned the place. The door closed behind you. But then you heard a small click follow with the door closing but when you turned around you saw that Optimus was standing in the way if the door nob. You bit the inside if your lip and turned back to the primes desk.

It was filled with data pads and the monitors were covered in codes and numbers locations marked on the Ata pads. Optimus walks around to the other side of the desk and he rests himself on the chair. He takes a moment before inching his chair closer to the dead before looking at you. His hands were enclosed together and held close to his face. His head lowered with his eyes narrowed fixed on me.

"We need to talk."

"Yhea no joke, did you hear that spike-head? I can't believe what he said to me-"

"Not him."

"Then who?"


"Me?" You asked suprised. Optimus narrowed his eyes even more and your lips curved into a smile and then you burst. Your laughter filled his large room and you slapped your thigh and wiped your optics as tears formed. But as you calmed down you saw that the prime wasn't laughing nor was he ever and the look on his face was even deadlier. You instantly stopped and froze like a statue. Damn have you really messed up this bad? You thought to yourself. As you thought about it more the more bad you felt.

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