18- Optimus prime

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it wasnt long before you got used to the fact that your life was always on your line. and how could you be mad at the bots it was your fault for finding them and they had to take you so you knew who they were. but as you were walking through the halls of ther base humming a song you didnt know the wholke lyrics to and you stumbled apon a voice singing softly. when you looked through the small crack in the door you saw the prime singing. it wasnt a song you knew and so you listened more until you found out what song he was singing it was your favorite song (if this is not your song im sorry but im doing mine)

it was dreams by NF and he sang it fully.

when he finished he looked around and sighed and muttered something that you couldnt hear but you were sure he didnt see you so you backed u p but hit your elbow on the door frame and this made the prime turn his head to see you holding your injered arm in pain. "optimus..i was just ummm..." you couldnt come up with a good cover story to the prime and you surly couldnt lie to him knowinbg what would happen if you did. he looked away. "are you alright?" he asked not wanting to aknoledge that you had listened to him singing

"well i think im fine.." you trailed off but he didnt care about that. all he needed to know was how much did you hear. so he came over to you and opened the door for you to come in and you hesitated but soon folowed his silent command and he closed the door behind you and locked it making sure you couldnt run away and tell the others. but he knewe you wouldnt do that to him. he was more scred that someone would come in and see him alone with you and get the wrong impression if therer was even a wrong impression to begin with

"you heard my tune im taking ot." he said to you. you froze in your spot and didnt want to look up at him fearing you would break. so you stood therer with your back facing him. "i dont knwo what your talking about. i heard notyhing." you lied and he knew you were. he hated it when you lied knowing that you could do so much better. so he kneeled closer to you and leaned his frame to your small body. "(y/n)." he said making your body send shivers up your spine. you bit your lip and closed your eyes shut in fear. "you heard me." he said. so you finaly turned around hating your body for betraying you and you opened one eyes yo see his blue one staring right back at you but his eyeebrows were furrowed making him look mad and it sent another shiver up you and you tried to cover yourself with little coverage you had.

"ok yes i heard you." you amited looking awasy again. "but i dont see what the problem is you have a good voice." optimus sighed and you heard the sadness in his voice and you ddint know why he was so sad about it. "whats wrong?" you asked looking back at him. he didnt want to awnser you thinking he was strange for singing he was a prime and primes do not sing. but yet you, a smal human female he feel for. how was that?

"i have been told all my life that being something you are not is not the best overall way to go." he said now settling own on the floor. "and due to everything that has happened over the centrys you learn to cover up things you wish for others not to find out." he brought his hands up to his chest and placed them on his windows and closed his eyes as if letting go of a huge burden that has been with him. "you see (y/n) i love to sing. i just never get to due to the war and the fact that im a prime." he openeded his eyes and looked at you but this wasnt optimus prime anymore. this was orion pax talking to you.

"im not used to all of this... responsability and when i get time to myself i hide in my quarters and sing. it calms my nervs and i never wanted to show anyone for them thinking that i was not a true prime." his hands begun to shake and he closed his eyes. "when your given the power and the wisdon of so many others you tend to forget who you truly are. who you were before tragity struck. before you had to fight for whats right."

you couldnt believe what was going on at the moment. he was expressing himself to you in ways he would never with others and theyve been with him longer. "i just cant shake the feeling that somewhere deep inside me there is still a small hope that everythig willbe ok." he looked down at you with tears now in his eyes. "and i dont know weather its ok to not be ok." when he finished he looked away the tears falling freely from his eyes and he tried to wipe them away but he couldnt. everything that was oing on flooded over him like waves. he couldnt stop crying no matter how hard he tried to cover them they still pooled. you felt so bad for him. and so shocked that hye woukd ever tell you a small human. "optimus, shrink down for me will you?" you asked placing your hand on his leg. he nodded and used his mass displacment and now was the same height then you. so now you sat on his lap and placed your hands on either side of his faceplate and kissed the tesars away. optimus broke when you hugged him.

he wrapped his arms around you and held you tightly scared that youwould go like so many others. "i dont knopw what tod o (y/n)...how do i stop this?" you knew there was no way he could stop the thoughts so you came up and looked at him with a sad smile. "there is nothing you can do baby." you said softly using the word made him feel safe with you. "but that dosnt measnt hat you need that to lead your life." you took your thumb and wiped away another tear from his eye. "just think of everything that you have done. look at where you are." the smile on your face never left. "you are a good being. a great leader, a marvolous friend and..." you didnt know if you should say it but you saw that he needed to hear it. "you are a amazing crush." he knew what the word ment meaning that you had liked him.

"you...you like me?" he said. you smiled and traced your fingers on the tips of his audio receptors. (those 3 wing things on his ears idk wtf there called) "ive loved yo for a long time now orion." he was shocked that you said his name and it fit so well with who you were to him. "you had always been that one person who i could really connect to." you looked down and he saw that you were falling into a depression state,. "(y/n)." he said tilting your chin up to his face. "i love you." you whispered leaning into his touch. and whn=en you looked at him you saw the smile on his face. "and i love you (y/n) (l/n)." and with that said he placed his lips on yours in a soft passionate kiss.

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