9- Soundwave

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you were walking back in forth in your human room waiting for a somebot. 'where in the hell i he?'

you thought to yourself as you looked around again and again. but just then you heard the door slide open and you saw the con you were looking for.

"hey soundwave!" you chirped as you rushed over to his ped and waited for him to nod or something.

he noded and your smile beamed.

"how was your day?" you asked.

you looked up at his visor and saw a thumbs up and you guessed that he was having a good day. "thats good." you said waiting or him to pick you up.

he soon did and you sat on his servo as he lifted you up and off the ground. you and him walked threw the war ship and you nodded to the cons they nodded back. "so where are we going?"

you aksed soundwave. he didnt say anything so you just assumed that it would be somewhere nice or whatever. you and him got to the bridge and your smile turned into a frown. 'oh work.' you thought as he wen over to his station and begun working on decrypting codes.

you sighed as you got out your phone and started playing a game. 'this is so boring.' you thought tapping on your phone.

soundwave looks at what your doing and shakes his helm as he takes your phone. "wha- hey thats not your soundwave!" you say reaching for your phone but it dosnt work.

soundwave places your phone on the oversized desk and points to the screen with cybertronian words written all over it. "what?" you ask looking at him and then back at the screen.

soundwave pointed over to a certain line with some swiggles and zig-zags. "you want me to read it?" you ask.

soundwave nods and you look at him dumbfounded.

"um earth to soundwave but i cant read your goofy language." you say pointing to the screen.

-Time Skip-

"location confirmed 62;178'1-5?" you ask looking over at soundwave.

he nods and you smile. "thats my first sentence!" you say proudly.

fist pumping the air a smile playing at your lips. soundwave nodded and showed confetti on his visor and you laughed. "couldnt have done it without you." you smile as you kiss kiss visor.

soundwave freezes and you notice what you just did and you blush madly. "Oh my god, soundwave im so sorry-" suddenly soundwave kisses you

(he has a screen for a face you figure it out dipshit lol just kidding)

your eyes widen and you blush. he breaks the kiss


and you look at him. "was that a kiss." you asked.

he nodded. your smile grew.

"dose this mean?" he nods again and you laugh.

'oh my god, im dating a robot.'

(alright hope yall liked it and i love this actually. it has good sounds alright bye!)

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