Its been a while...

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Hello my wonderful little vermin's I see that this book has gotten over 14k reads.... And I've been abandoning this book like a father has with their child and I do apologize for the mild set back. But please know that this book may or may not get finished or continued. I've drawn back from transformers and I have grown back into my true roots, undertale. Now if you don't know what that is then I don't recommend you ask in the chat bc I stg if I see a what's undertale comment i am going to bombard you with lore and sans.

But please request story arcs or something or else this book will never get updated and yes before you ask I'm well aware of GLADIATORS CHOICE not getting updated as well and I do apologize for that as well. I've left the book at a cliff hanger and I do don't INTEND to leave it there. I've also been trying to sort out my life since I'm 18 now and I've been struggling alot with that age change and all that it has to offer.

But please don't give up on this book and I've been reading all the 42 comments and I pray that there will be more in the future bc I love reading what you all have to say about the book wether it's good or bad. But please know that I'm currently obsessed with the game undertale and I will not be writing in this book unless I get requests bc my mind isn't on transformers at the moment,

But anywhizzle thank you for the 14k reads and please don't ask "what is undertale" in the comments or I swear on all things holy you will be showered with lore and a DIRECT message from the AUTHOR HERSELF

thank you and till all are 1

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