29- Megatron

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(Hello um so this is a story about this wonderful man now I know what your thinking

"Oh my God is it gunna be another smut?"

And what I say to you good people of this book is fuck you I get to write in this shit if I want to and no it will not be writing smut for this one also I'm sorry I said go fuck yours selfs I should be going to go fuck myself but um hey were getting off topic so let's get into this rq bye bye)

They were everywhere!

Every hall every room every place here on this ship those nasty incecticons roamed around. Now you were a small human compared to the size of just one of those fuckers and you hated it everytime they came around to you almost getting squished in the process.

So today you decided to stick to someone. Someone very close to you and the main and only reason why your here. You walked with speed and you weaved around bots and walked through the halls until you came appon the bridge of the ship where your someone was always at.

The doors opened for you and you stepped into the bridge getting looks from the others as you walked past them and up the ramp and stopped at who you were looking for.

He looked down at you with his trademark snarl shoeing his teeth to you.

"What is it?" He said sounding irritated by your presence already. You rose your arms up to him like a child to their mother when they wanted to be picked up. You did this everytime you wanted him to pick you up. But he never did. He never got down to your level. And he never really talked to you.

"What do you want? I have more bussier things to do then to watch you grovle." He snarled and moved his foot right next to you as a scare tactic hopefully to make you leave him.

But you stayed and took a seat on his foot resting yourself between it.

(That fucking space in the middle of his foot idk I know what I'm talking about I just can't explain it)

Megatron watched as you did this and he growled. But a low one only for him to hear.

He watched as your body shifted and moved to fit the space. Your hands placed on either shoulder and your legs bent and your knees touching your chest.

Never in his life would he had gotten a human pet or a human companion but it made him wonder when it came to you.

You didn't piss him off like everyone eles. He could tolerate your voice and your actions. And he would watch you closely when he wanted to.

"Lord Megatron." A voice said behind him. Megatron turned and saw dreadwing.

"Yes what is it?"

"We have returned with your relic my lege."

Megatron smiled and watched as two vehicons carried a vessel.




Megatron took the vessel and opened the lid and smiled with malicious intent.

"A mass displacement device. Made to change the size of anyone who uses it and in our hands..."

An idea popped into megatrons head and he looked down at you and smiled.

"A great advantage."

- Time skip to tomorrow-

You walked around the war ship still swerving around the cons who almost killed you. It was a work out to say the least.

You made your way to your room and the door opened but not for you.


You screamed and jumped completely taken off guard by who was in your room.

Megatron smiled pleased by your reaction by his unknown presence.

"What...what are you doing here if I may ask?" You said softly standing on the other side of your open door. Megatron leaned on the door frame and crossed his arms and lokked down at you. You felt like he was trying to move out of the way so you stepped through and he moved away from the door letting it shut behind him.

"You seem to want company." Megatron said watching you crawl into your bed grabbing a book and opening it.

"Well you can stay if you want but I won't be doing a whole lot." You said.

Megatron nodded and then waited for you to loose your concentration him. When you did he quietly activated the device and he felt himself shrink down to human size.

You didn't even look up from your book and Megatron smiled with your ignorance.

Megatron crawled on your bed feeling the plush sheers below him carefull not to cut the fabric with his hands or anything eles that was sharp on him which was everything.

But as he crawled he watched you with a intent he couldn't figure out. When he got close enough he reached out and took your book and threw it behind him.

"What the-"

You couldn't finish your sentence because you were shocked. The war lord who ran this whole ship was now so small. Well when you mean small you mean not a 35 foot con. He was around 6 foot now and he still hovered over you with his height.

"You look suprised." Megatron stated his smile showing his shark like teeth. Your eyes were wide and blush covered your face.

"Your smaller then the last time I saw you." You said blankly. Megatron chuckled and then brought his hands to either side if you pinning you to the bed below.

"Tell me something (Y/n)." He said his voice quiet and low.

"Do you like this form, does it please you to see me fully and not have to strain yourself?" Megatron said his head getting closer to yours.

You watched him move so slowly and the look I his eyes said something to you.

"Megatron..." You said softly his lips were so close to yours he was just waiting for you. But how could you? He made you feel hated but right now he made you feel wanted why did he do this to you.

"Just don't think about it." Megatron said as he gently placed his lips on yours sinking into the feeling of you.

You were shocked and you didn't move. His hands wandered your small body taking your cheeks in his hands and pulling you in closer.

Megatron was in-between your legs and his body arched over so he could touch you.

The kiss lasted longer then needed and you started to wonder if he was just trying to start something. He pulled back and you huffed for air. Your face was red and your eyes were scattered. Megatron smiled at hiw he made you look and he took your face in his hands again and made you look at him.

"Don't tell anyone I did this do you understand?" He commanded. You nodded and he smiled again leaning in and placing one more kiss on your small lips.

He pulled back again and he saw your look. He was pleased with himself and he rested himself by your side and pulled your body close to him spooning you.

You laid there in pure shock. The Megatron you knew would never do this so what was up with him?

"Why now?" You asked out of no where. Megatron thought about it. He didn't have a true answer. He had multiple reasons on why it was now but he didn't tell you nor would he ever.

"Don't think about it." He said again. You rolled your eyes but then relaxed.

You didn't know what the fuck was wring with him but you didn't complain if he was holding you that's all you wanted and who knows mabey he was finaly starting to warm up to you

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