41- Optimus, Ratchet, and Bumblebee

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youve always felt like this, like a pool of sadness washed over you every morning and you hated it. the overall feeling of helplessness made you want to crumble to your feet every time you walked. the smells that youve had were only of copper and stone, and as the months turned to years you made friends, friends who never knew that you would harm your soft skin.

the only person who knew was yourself and even you were thoughtful of this. the only thing you wanted was to love someone and for them to tell you that youve been cutting. again, you couldnt find anyone to share the pain with and no one to scream with when you damaged your arm.

once you found the autobots it was impossible to find a secret spot for you to release yourself and it was even harder sneaking past optimus and ratchet when you needed to release such urge.

you hated feeling so small around your friends including your open relationship with optimus, ratchet, and bumblebee but you never thought they would find out and nor did you think they would care enofe to stop you.


you sat there looking at the tv that played a movie that you didnt care for. the only sound you g=heard was the voices in  your head telling you its time. you always dreaded the moments but yet still wanted them so with that, you got up and walked away and down the stairs to your spot where no one would go nor would they see you pull out the clean blade and dragging it across your wrist.

the sensation made you smile with joy feeling the skin open up to the cold air sending the shivers down your spine. looking down at the blood that oozed from your wrist made you smile as you lashed your wrist again wincing by how fast you did it this time.

after 9 or 12 cuts.. you couldnt count them all. but you saw the pool of blood that spread over the cement floor. the amount made your eyes widen but you still smiled as you thought to yourself knowing that you were done.

getting back up you dropped your blade hearing the soft clash it made with the floor. your eyes squeezed shut you prayed that no one wats there and soon you heard that no one was there at all. the look of relief on your face made you look like a killer.

bending back down, you reached to pick up your blade when a booming voice called behind you. your spine became straight suddenly causing it to pop. your face went pale and turning around you saw him. optimus prime standing there looking down at you.

"what are you doing?" he asked. your fingers tapped on the side of your leg so fast not even the human eye could see. your heart raced and your breathing was un even. his blue hued eyes pierced your (e/c) ones making it harder to look at him in the eye.

"just.... something." you said looking away and picking up the blade and making a quick sped walk past him but the moving of his ped stopped you from doing so and it made you stop in your tracks.

"(y/n)." he says commandingly. you gulped and looked up at him with scared eyes. you didnt want him to be mad and you never wanted him to look at him like this but he was and you hated it.

"ive been doing stuff." you started looking back down at the floor tears welded up in your eyes lifting your sore fore arm up to the leaders eyes so he could look at the dried up blood.

"are you alright?" he asked. you shook your head sadly and he leaned down quickly and looking at your shaking frame.

"what did you do?" showing him again he got a closer look. his eyes not changing but you could see the fear that swelled inside. gently picking you up he brought you up to ratchet who looked at you and him with a optic ridge raised.

"(y/n) has harmed herself." optimus explains placing you down so that the medic could look you over. ratchet scoffed and scanned you finding your covered arm grabbing it causing a hiss to erupt form your lips as a burning pain washed over you wanting you to pull away.

instead the medic looked you over and shook his head.

"(y/n) has been inflicting pain on herself for years now, nothing we could do to stop the cycle." ratchet said shaking his head sadly. you wanted to agree with the doctor and get this all done and over with but then you soon heard the beeping of another and you cringed knowing who it was.

bee came over and looked down at you seeing the dried up blood that laid on your arm. his optics went wide as his beeping started. mostly questions you guessed. ratchet put up a hand to silence the beeping bot and looked down at you.

"she did this to herself nothing we can do to stop her." and with that bee growled picked you up and began beeping once more trying to tell you something. but unable to understand him your mind rushed with thoughts of what he was really saying.

"what the fuck?" or, "your so stupid for doing that." voices clouded your mind and you covered your ears to stop bee and potentially the voices but no one shut up and you almost cried. seeing yourself in this state bee stopped and looked around at the other bots that surrounded you and him.

"(y/n) let us help you." ratchet said softly. placing his digit close to your cheek he pet you softly and you leaned in.

"we want to help." optimus said as well. you looked up and saw your lovers smile softly and you too smiled with them. nodding you agreed with them.

"ok." you said. "help me."

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