47- Bumblebee

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It was raining out side great. How could such a day be even conceved? You didn't know but you honestly didn't care enough. Your mood was like the weather. Clouded. With thoughts of pain and sadness. 

You had recently had a fight with a freind at school and they told you that they wished they had never meet you because you were toxic to them. The words hit you like a ton of bricks but you didn't want to shoe them that you cared. 

But you did how could you not. They had been your friend for a long time and now their doing this to you. It hurt you more them you knew. So you sat by the window your knees close to your chest watching the rain drop down on the window. 

Danny and russle didn't know what was wrong. But as they tried to ask you didn't answer. So they walked away and let you sulk but they didn't know. They never saw the marks on your wrists or on your legs. You never wore shirts around then usualy hoodies and long sleeve shirts. 

So they never saw the large cuts that were formed over the years of self harm. But the only one who knew or well he guessed was bee. Now granted he saw your naked body only once and well that was a sight to see but he couldn't tell if he saw something or not. So thr last couple of moths he's been spying on you. Trying to prove his theory. 

And today was another day for him. But the rain poured down on him and he looked down and saw you next to the window. He frowned and saw that you had something in your hand. He couldn't see it clearly so he walked further but hid by a wall of objects. He watched as you brought up your sleeves and then he saw. 

Numerous cuts were on your forearm and some even went further. Bee was shocked and sad that his guess was right. The only time he didn't want to be right was right now. 

But he didn't step closer he watched as you brought what looked like a piece of metal..a razor! Bee jumped out from thr wall and ran to you his arm reached out. "Y/n!" He called put but it was to late. You didn't hear him and you pressed the cold metal to your skin and... 


You had hit the major vein that lead to your heart from your wrist a vital artery. Blood poured out of your arm and you let it fall. Bee ran even faster and when he got to you he smamed the blade from your hand and he took your limp body in his hands. 

"Y/n. Y/n!" Bee called out shaking you a little. Your eyes were droopy and your face was pale from blood loss. Bee panicked and ran to fix-it. 

"Fix-it!" Bee called out. Fix-it rolled out with a confused look but then he looked down to bees hands and saw your unconscious body. "Oh dear bring her here." Fix- it said rushed. Bee followed and placed you down on the table. 

Bee watched as fix-it checked your pulse but as he did fix-its eyes went wide and the frown on his face went even wider. "What what is it fix-it?" Bee asked looking at it. Fix-it gulped and his bottom lip quivered as he spoke. 

"Y/n is..gone." 

Bee looked at fix-it thrn down at your lifeless body. He couldn't think he couldn't speak he couldn't move. Bee clenched his fist and he felt something. Anger and sadness. 

"Why did you..." Bee asked. But as he did he heard his fellow teammates come over. "What's wrong what's with all the yelling?" Sideswipe said rubbing his eyes. Strong-arm hit him upside the head and sideswioe cried in pain. 

Grimlock came out and looked at Bee. "Bee are you ok?" Grimlock asked. Fix-it looked over at girmlock and he gestured him to come over and grab Bee in case he snapped. But as grinlock came over he placed a hand on bees choioder and he snapped. 

Bee launched out to your body and suddenly was pulled back by grim. "WHY WHY WOULD YOU KILL YOURSELF!?" Bee yelled out struggling against grimlocks grasp. 

But he couldn't fight the dinobot so he started to cry. Sobbed even. Kneeling on the ground and hunched over. Strong-arm and sideswipe stood there in shock and filled with sorrow. Grimlock had tears in his eyes as he held Bee. Fix-it cried next to your body softly petting your hair. The whole team was at a loss for words and they all stood around your body morning a loss teammate but no one cried as hard as bee.  

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