8- Knockout

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you were sitting on he table and watched the decepticon medic tinker with some equipment. knockout noticed your stare.

"like what you see?" he says turning around and tilting his hips looking at you. you only smile.

"i just wanted to tell you a joke." you say. knockout cocks and eyebrow.

"and what would the joke be?" he asks crossing his arms over his chest. you smile.

(i wasnt able to find a gay joke because im on a school computer so just.....let your wildest dreams come true.)

you finished the joke and looked at him trying not to burst into a laughing fit. knockout looks bewildered and stunned.

"you...you think im GAY?!" he asks pointing at you glaring. your eyes widen.

"what no no no no i just thought-"

"you know if i was gay would i do this?" knockout interrupts as he smashes his lips on yours.

your eyes widen and blush fills your face like you were born a cherry. but soon after you slowly flutter your eyes close and place your hands on his faceplate and lean into the kiss.

knockout breaks the kiss you give you well needed air. it takes you a minute to get your breathing levels under control but once you do he looks at you.

"am i still gay?" he asks sarcastically. you shake your head vigorously. knockout chuckles and boops your nose with his long digit.

"dont forget i can kill you in a matter of milliseconds." knockout jokes. You shake your head lightly.

"if you did you'd be forced to be gay unless you wanna date arachnid-"

"oh PRIMUS NO!" knockout rejects leaning back and acting like a human toddler when they try a veggie for the first time and spit it out.

"to many legs." knockout shivers in disgust. you start to laugh at his dis-like for the decepticon femme.

"soo, thats a no for the spider lady?" you ask smirking.

"you know damn well its a no." knockout huffs. you look at him and you two make eye contact.

"i love you knockout." you say. he looks around the room knowing it was empty but wanted to leave you in suspense.

"i love you to (Y/N)." he purrs. knockout leaned back in and kisses you lovingly. you leaned in.

you never wanted this moment to end.

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