34- Ratchet

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Halloween, the greatest time to be alive and watch scary movies with your one and only favorite bot, ratchet, sure he could be stubborn and grumpy but thats what makes him so damn lovable.

sitting there in the human area you look over your shoulder and lock eyes on your bot.

"what do you need?" ratchet asks not looking up from his work.

"i just wanted to look at you ratchy." you say with a smile as you turn back around and switch threw the channels of the t.v.

"dont call me that." ratchet says with a commanding tone, like when wheeljack calls him, 'sunshine.' laughing a little you stop what your doing and look over at him again with a sly smile and then an idea came to your twisted little mind and you knew how to do it....

-time skip brought to you by ratchet laughing at a meme-

getting all of the stuff finally prepared for your 'thriller movies date for you and your bot you looked at all the stuff that you thought you needed. popcorn; soda; chocolate, skittles, (drool) and other ranges of assorted candy's and snacks for you. sitting down and cuddling up in your soft blanket you get ready.

looking from side to side you cleared your thought as if to call someone. then with all the strength in your small little body you got ready to real in the bait.

"ratchet, i was wondering if you wanted to watch a movie with me." you waited for the bot to say something snarky or rude.

"what?" ratchet says as though he wasnt even listing to you. turning around fully with a pout on your face you looked at ratchet and you eyes locked. you could see the bags under his tired optics and the frown that was always plastered on his lips.

"i asked if you wanted to come watch a movie with me." you say again this time with more pleading. ratchet looks at you then over to the table covered with food and drinks for you but made to look like it was for both of you. ratchet looking away only waved his hand like he was shooing something away like a fly or unwanted word.

"i dont watch your type of movies. nor do i watch any." ratchet looked at you with the usual look. the 'no' was written all over his face. you knew he would say this and you being smart enofe to see five steps ahead you looked up at him with a smile.

"its not just any ordinary movie that i put on." you say getting up and walking over to the bot. the fact that he was taller then you and that his colors didnt really say 'you can look at me and not squint your eyes' made it hard to even look at him.

"does it matter? all of your human movies are about killing or romance." ratchet shivers at the last word as if discussed by it, even though you and him have been a thing for over two years it hurt you a little but you still pressed on.

 "its a horror movie a very popular one in fact." you say pointing over to the t.v. 

"five stars." you say pulling out your phone and pulling up the already saved page to ratchet knowing that you would have to show him. logic never made ratchet mad its just when it wasnt his logic thats when he would be in new territory. and, not wanting you to be right felt like him being thrown in a new area with nothing to fight with.

looking at your screen with a scowl knowing that you were right he sighed in defeat. a wave of shock yet excitement filled you up to the very brim and you gasped.

"yip yip yip dont start that now. that only reason that im coming is because i need a break from my own work not to enjoy the movie." you just nodded that it was ratchets way of saying 'your right and yell il watch it.' 

sitting down in the human area once more and scooching over for ratchet he uses his new mass displacement and walks up the stairs and walks over to you and sitting down next to you. looking at the t.v. you pressed play on the already awaiting movie and snuggled up to your bot throwing the blanket around him as well knowing that he didnt even need it though.

-(im skipping the the boring stuff srry if you wanted more)-

holding on to your bot tightly you waited for the scare George was going down the drain and you knew that there was going to be something that involved death. suddenly you jumped as you say It grab the kid and rip off his arm, then his leg then his whole body. you only heard a scoff from the war ridden bot but you were terrified.

"youll float to! youll float to! youll float to!" George screams as if he were being controlled. your hairs stood on the back of your neck in fear. "i dont like this movie." you whisper. "what do you expect from your kind?" ratchet says not looking at you but at the t.v. you only nod agreeing with ratchet. we humans dont know how to make scary movies at all.

(end of movie) 

getting up you stretch and groan from the stiffness in your joints. looking over at ratchet he was still sitting there looking at you with a devilish smile. 

"what are you looking at?" you ask scared. ratchet only shrugs and gets up and kisses you on the forehead. 

"just thinking thats all."

and with that he walks away and goes back to his normal height and continues to do his work. you only blink dismissing the thought and looking at your phone for the time. 2: 35 AM. pulling a hand threw your hair you frown, 'its so late.' you thought as you grabbed your blanket and lay on the couch and slowly started to drift to sleep.

waking up to a lit rom you rub your eyes and turn to where your back was on the cushions you look up and scream bloody murder. pennywise the clown stood above you, looking into your eyes as if he was waiting for you to wake up. flying off the bed and landing on the ground with a loud thump you screamed and started to run away in fear. but noticing that he wasnt following you and just standing there made you stop running. then you heard him.

ratchet laughing and slapping the table with his hand. 

"what type of sick joke is this?" you ask walking over to the statue and kicking it down with rage. you knew that ratchet did it he was the only one who knew that you watched It and was scared of the clown.

"i thought it was a good way to wake you up." ratchet says calming down but still looking at you with a smile.

"you son of a bitch." you say glaring at him.

"it worked didnt it?"

"you suck."

"i know."

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