43- Ultra magnus

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you squealed at the sight of your phone as you saw Tony stark fly down to the stage his arms shot up in the airt and fireworks blasting behind him. you blushed widely at him and giggled as he started to get his armor off. youve allayed loved iron man and the man who played him sent tingles up your spine. but little did you know you had eyes on you.

turning around you jumped a little seeing ultra magus's looking at you with his eyes narrowed at you screen. "who is that?" he asked. you thought for a minute and then smiled. "its ironman." you said showing him youe screen. ultra magnus scoffed and then looked away. "you deal with iron men every day of your life (y/n) i do not see why you must watch a fake one." he says rolling his eyes at you. 

"for your information, he is a actor and a very good one at that." you said blushing at the thought of him. ultra magnus saw the look on your face and frowned. "you like the actor?" he asks. you nodded and looked back at your screen. "robert downey jr is my man." you said continuing to watch the movie. 

~time skip brought to you by rdj saying hi~

as the credits rolled your eyes began to grow heavy and you thought it was a good idea to rest. "(y/n)." ultra magnus said. you shot up and looked at him with a raised brow. "yes?" you asked worried. "come with me." he said. you bit your lip and sucked in a long breath as you hopped off the couch and down the stairs. 

magnus transformed inot his alt form and opened the passenger side door for you to crawl into. you did and buckled yourself in and waited. "where are we going?" you asked him as he told raph to put in a certain set of coordinates. "you will see soon enough." he said before a groundbridge opened up and you and him went through it.

!another time skip brought to you by optimus wondering where tf you and magnus are going at such a late hour *wink* *wonk*~

pulling up to a long driveway magnus stopped and opened the door for you. getting out of the truck and closing the door he didnt transform but he continued to drive slowly as you walked with him. "where are we?" you whispered trying to keep your cool. 

"you will see." was all he said. you were growing tired of the sentence and sighed as he drove. you come to a stop and see a nicely carved double doors in front of you. "whos house is this and dont you dare say youll see." you scolded. magnus turned off his headlights and told you to go ring the door bell. 

as you walked to the door you realized how late it was and how dark the sky looked. you knew you were still on earth but it made you wonder where. pressing the bell your heart raced widely as you thought it would be a prank but then you knew he would never do that to you due to the fact that he hated them himself. 

hearing footsteps from the other side of the door you braced yourself and the door soon opened. a man looked at you and your heart instantly stopped. it was robert downey jr in all of his glory. he stood there with a surprised look on his face at the sight of you just standing there. 

"um hello?" he greeted looking at you and then at the bright blue semi behind you. "what can i do for you miss?" he asked. you couldnt move nor could you even think about speaking to him. you felt weak and unworthy of his presence. turning around to the truck your teeth shown in a snarl but magnus did not move or speak. 

turning back around you smiled at him in the best way you could without it being creepy. "sorry sir i must have the wrong house." you explained mentaly slapping yourself in the face at this comment.  RDJ looked at you with the same confused look. "i dont see how you could do that and if i may ask how did you get through the gate it was locked." he stated folding his arms over his chest. "locked." you muttered stunned. 

whipping your head back to the truck you almost broke right there. breaking and entering was not something you have EVER wanted to do ESPECHIALY if that violation was your one and only crush. "im sorry sir i will leave immediately i am so sorry that i disturbed you" you stared walking down the stairs. 

but then the head lights on the truck light up and you froze. rdj looked at you and then the truck. "no!" you yelled kicking the metal of the truck challenging him to transform. "dont you fucking do it you prick!" you yelled at the truck looking like a complete mad man for doing so. 

"im sorry miss but im going to have to ask you to leave." rdj said looking at you with a frown. in that instant your heart broke. he thought you were crazy and obbsessed. you broke into his house and now yelling at a truck. your limbs started to shake and tears pooled your eyes. "im sorry." you said to rdj before turning back to the truck holding back your tears.

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