46- Optimus prime

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You hated this day. Yes. Tuesday but still it killed you. Sure it was just a normal day fir you but for everyone around you it suffocated you to God's end. You were first awakened by the twins and the Terrens who all smothered you with boxes if chocolates and flowers that what you seemed like they just picked from the ground because the dirt and vines were still on them. So with a bed filled with dirt, chocolate, you got up with a scowl on your face. 

But the twins didn't care nor did the terrens. But then another person came into your room like it wasn't already cramped. It was ryleigh. (I insert myself into story deal with it.)

She came in holding a cup if what looked like coffee. "Alright alright get out wveryone she needs space." Ryleigh said placing a hand on the twins shoulder and guiding them out. Ryleigh looked back at the terrens who hung by the window and glared at them. All 4 of them sighed and mumbled as they exited the room and window. 

You watched as ryleigh made sure that everyone was gone before she turned to you and helped you get up from the bed. "Seems like you had a nice wake up." Ryleigh joked. I glared at her and she smirked. 

"Would have been nicer if today wasn't a damned holiday." I said brushing off dirt. Ryleigh chuckled and then she helped me with the back if my body brushing off the dirt that was there. 

"Their just kids y/n don't get to twisted up about it." Ryleigh said sounding like a mom and she was. Well to us 6 kids. She was the oldest of all of us she was 19 only a year older them me. "You should like him." I say to her. Ryleigh perks up my comment and she rolls her eyes but I can see that my comment got to her. 

"I'm not him because he's not here." Ryleigh said now shoving the cup if coffee to me. I flinch but I see that ryleigh was upset. I frown and look down at the cup of brown liquid. I tap my ginger against the clay and I shuffle next to ryleigh. She crosses her arms over her chest. 

"I'm sorry your right." I say using my puppy dog eyes. Ryleigh studys me for a moment and then a smile form's on her features. "Just get dressed y/n." Ryleigh says now ruffling my hair. I groan and push her hand away. Ryleigh laughs and leaves the room closing the door behind me. 

I stand there all alone with a cup of coffee in my hand. I keep on forgetting that ryleighs lover is gone. That lover being optimus prime. Sure he's bigger and she's like a ant to him. But if you could see what im talking about. Optimus never comes over to the house so she never sees him. It's hard for her but she puts up a wall to hide everything. It's sad but I know that she's in pain. 

So now walking over to my desk I grab my phone and see if there's anything I missed in the past 8 hours. And sure enough I have. A message sent. 

I open my phone and see what the message is. It's from Megatron. My face instantly heats up. Megatron never text me or calls me. Why now. I tap my finger on the side and then read the message. 

y/n how are you good I hope well this isn't about me rn its about optimus. Idk whats gotten into him but hes acting strange. Ive confronted him about it and he says he misses Ryleigh! Shocking to me. So i cant stop him hes comming over to your residence to see her ill be joining as well so ill be seeing you. We will be there by 10. And ive heard that today is valentines day mabey you can show me what that means. See you there. 

I look at what time it was sent.


I check the time now


 He'll be here at 10:00.


"SHIT!" I yell and I throw my phone on my bed and sprint tot my closet and dig around the room. Trying to look somewhat decent. "Fuck fuck fuck fuck!" I say throwing cloths over me. But then the door opens and ryleigh comes back in. "What has gotten into you I leave for one minu-" "There comming!" I say to her. 

Ryleigh raises a brow at me. I growl and throw my phone at her. "See for yourself." I say now going back to my original state if discombobluation. Ryleigh opens my phone and reads the message. When she's done her eyes grow wide. 

We now look at eachother with both fear and shock. "OH FUCK!" Ryleigh yells dropping my phone and dashing out of the room. 

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