49- Longarm

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The only thing I saw was his face as he looked over at me from the other side of the bar. My eyes rolled and I took a soft sip of my whisky. "Another please." I said pushing a 20 at the bartender. He nods and goes and grabs it. While I'm waiting I can feel eyes on me. A pair of hands wrap around my waist and I sigh in annoyance. "What is a pretty femme like you doing here?" The voice asks, pressing their fingers into my frame

"Fuck off." I say not looking at them. "OH, fistey." They say as they bring there hand to my chin and turn me to face them and that's when I see who they were. I've heard only tales of this man. His lips curved into a sly smile as he looked at me with a lustful eye. Pushing away from him I slapped away his hand. "Leave me alone I just came here for a drink, not to get into any of your bullshit." I snarl looking at him watching his look flatten. He brings his hands to his tie and fixes it a little and then a soft smile reaches his lips as he looks around the bar.

"You came here alone I'm guessing?" He asks. "Fuck off dude." I said pushing myself off the seat and trying to walk away from him. Suddenly a firm grip caught my wrist and I pulled the pack. "You have a tongue on you don't you." He says his smile now forced. I try to look away but he forced me to look at him. "Do you know who your talking to kitten?" He asked. "If I didn't know who you were don't you think I wouldn't be trying to leave." I bite back. "You know who i am." He says trailing his hand to my hip. "I don't care you asshole now let me go." I command. He laughs and pulls me closer. "I have the power of many dont tell me what to do." He says.

"I don't care if you were Alpha Trion I would still tell you to go fuck yourself." I say harshly. He laughs again this time louder. "OH I love this." He says before pulling me along with him I struggle to get loose but he doesn't budge. The room swims around me and I struggle to see where we're going. Suddenly we enter a room covered in a lush gold paint and a desk pilled high with papers. He finally let's me go and I whip around and see him close the door and lock it. "Now we can do this two ways." He says locking the door behind him.

I start to walk backwards and trying to find something to hit him with. "WE can do it the easy way, Or the hard way." He says. My back hits the wall and I stare at him as he smiles. The power radiating off of him. I Suddenly feel weak. Small compared to him. When he gets to close for comfort I dash away but he quickly grabs me and turns me around and slams me to the wall. "Hard way it is." He says his smile growing. "Just leave me alone." I say.

"I'm trying to help you ya know." He says comming back and now looking out to the office window. I'm so confused. "What are you talking about?" I ask. He smiles and comes back to me. "I know who you are miss (y/n)." He says now walking over to a desk and he pours himself a glass of energon watching me. "How did you.." "its really easy to hack into a ID card" He states pulling out a flat deal that pops up all my info. My picture and everything. "17 years old and at a bar?" He looks over at me with a raised brow. I look away. "I could call the cops." He says making me snap my head back to him fear in my eyes.

"But im a kind bot." He says putting the deal away and taking a sip. "Where are your paretal units anyway?" He asks me. I don't have the heart to tell him so I only stay silent. He frowns and nods. "That's fine I'll just look myself." He says. "They died." I blurt out not wanting to see how exactly they died. He looks at me as if trying to figure out if I'm lieung but when he looks into my eyes he knows I'm telling the truth.

"Well who do you live with then?" He asks. "I live by myself." I respond. "But your 17." He says not understanding. "There are rules that let me get a house without being 18." I say. He nods his head but then sees the looking my eyes. "So your homeless." He says. "I never said that." "But your eyes say it all." He says. I bite the inside of my lip. "So what if I am." I say. "That still dosnt mean that you have to take me in here and hold me." I'm so confused on why he picked me.

"Well let me tell you a little about myself." He says. I roll my eyes. "How do I not know who you are. Your longarm part of the autobot securty. I would have to be living my under a rock to not know who you are." I say. Longarm smirks and then looks up and down my body. As if something happened he looks at me with a new light. "Come live with me then."

I'm so taken back by his offer I shake my head and my knees go weak. "I'm sorry what?"

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