4- wheeljack

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"whelljack i needed that!" ratchet yells as jacki broke the frame welder again.

jacki looks around and stares at the object.

"sorry doc, didnt mean for that to happen promise." jacki says putting a servo on his chest and raises the other in the air like he was giving a pledge or something.

"this is the forth time this week." ratchet growls.

"oh no wada dooooo?" jacki heard a small female coo.

"he broke my frame welder AGAIN!" ratchet yells.

(Y/N) chuckles at how jacki is just taking the blows that ratchet throws and dosnt even looked phased.

jacki just rolled his optics and sighs locking eyes with her a smile comes to his lips

"Hey sweet cake you wanna go out on patrol with me?" jacki says looking at her sweetly.

(Y/N) eyes widen as blush flows across her face.

"S-su-sure jacki." (Y/N) stutters. jacki smiles as he transforms into his alt mode and opens the car door for her to get in.

(Y/N) gets in as he closes the door and drives off leaving a trail of dust.

"so (Y/N)," jacki says. (Y/N) looks at the steering wheel and smiles.

"yhea wassup jacki?" (Y/N) asks.

"Where you wanna go? Had to get away from the doc you know." jacki says. You laugh and cover your mouth with your hand and rest your elbow on the door looking out the widow.

"Go to the plaots." You said. There was a pause but he drove off the road and you felt the seat below you shake.

When you found a tall palto he helped you onto it. You smiled and took a breath. The air seemed so much fresher when you got to a higher level.

Jackie sat himself beside you one hand supporting him and one knee up holding his arm. His view of the horizon reflected in his eyes.

You and him sat there for a moment enjoying the silence and eachothers company. It's been at least 3 months since Jackie came back and it was rare for you to see him.

Jackie was a travler and you wanted to join him. But you were human and he could go out into space and you would be screwed. Besides Optimus wouldn't let you go.

So you would wait for him. And of course you texted him thanking God that you could. You would call in the middle of the night and he would always answer to you.

And now what you and him were in the same place you could feel free.

Jackie shifted his weight and faced you. Watching your hair shape your face and your eyes glued to the sunset.

Primus he could look at you all day if he wanted to. But he asked you to come with him for something eles.

"So." Wheeljack said breaking the silence. You jumped a little and looked up at him.


"Your just quiet that's all."

"Well I'm trying to enjoy that sunset with you." You point out to the sky and wheeljack chuckles.

"With me eh?" Wheeljack says raising a eyebrow your way. You nod and he flips his hand to where you can sit on it. You climb on and he hoist you up to his shoulder.

You settle yourself on his shoulder and look at your new height.

"I thought you'd be taller."

"Hey don't expect what you can't afford." Wheeljack says joining you in a laugh.

"Primus your laugh is contagious." Wheeljack says. You smile brightly and close your eyes. In that exact moment the sun hits your face at the perfect angle letting your hair shine and your skin glow.

Wheeljacks mouth falls open breathless. He wished he was able to take a photo of this. Of you.

"Frag your beautiful.." wheeljack says breathless. Your face changes and your eyes open. Shock covers your face and quickly blush follows over your cheeks.


Wheeljack blinks a couple of times and shakes his head. His cold features fall back and he offers you his hand. You silently take it and he sets you back down.

Almost instantly he stands up and walks away. You whip your head around and see him pacing. His hands on his head muttering to himself.

You follow him and stop a few feet away and settle yourself down and watch him.

Wheeljack dosnt see you so he continues talking to himself. It takes a couple of minutes before wheeljack sees you. He instantly stops and lowers his hands.

"How long were you sitting there?"

"Long enough."

Wheeljack sighs as if frustrated with himself. You stand up and walk over to him standing next to his feet.

"Sit down won't ya." You said pointing down to the grass below. Wheeljack obeyed and sat down and watched as you closed his leg standing on him.

"Listen here and listen good." You said stomped your foot on his metal and began to speak.

"You said you think I'm beautiful right?"

Wheeljack nods softly.

"And you said it like you ment it. And if you ment it then that means that you like me and not "like" me but "like like" me which means that you love me."

You instantly stopped and your actions faltered.

"You love me.." you said looking down now. Wheeljack sighs again.

"Guess the cats out of the bag." Wheeljack confused throwing his hands up. You look at him wide eyed.


"I know ya heard me."

"Say it."

"Say what?"

"What you just said."

"Say what?"

"No not that!"

"I know ya heard me?"

"No the other other thing."

"You mean the cars out if the bag?"

You groaned I frustration and rolled your eyes faceplaming yourself. Wheeljack laughs and moves you hand off your face leaning in with his own.

"Fine I'll admit it." Wheeljacks lips touched yours softly. Though he was bigger he was gentle with you.

He pulled sway from you and looked at your face and smiled. You were a mess and he was proud of himself.

"Now that's that put of the way on to the next phase."

"What's the next phase?"

"Don't worry you'll love it it involves you." Wheeljack smiled and winked before picking you up and hopping off the side if the Plato.

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