2- Ratchet

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(im warning you right now this is for people who are depressing and if your a cutter then good for you cause so am I lolol i feel your pain hun. *hugs*)

you were sitting on the edge of the base. the wind blew (H/C) hair. you looked down at your forearm and saw blood dripped down from the numerous cuts that you inflicted on yourself.

the razor in your other hand was covered with the red liquid. you felt calm not panicky but calm.

you were used to this feeling. the world fell silent around you you then heard your phone ringing. you picked it up, you looked at the front of your screen the number that was calling you ratchet*grumpy* the front read you swiped the phone and sighed as you held it up to your ear.


"where are you (Y/N)? ive been looking all around the base and yet im unable to find you."

"im outside ratch, no need to worry about me really..." your voice trailed off and ratchet quickly noticed.

"im coming up there." ratchet says in a demanding maner.

"No dont come up here!-" you started to panic. "im fine ratchet im fine dont come up dont-"

beeeeeeeeeeeeeeep. you looked at your phone and saw that he hung up on you.

"son of a-" you quickly turn around and see the doors open and you throw the razor off the cliff. you saw ratchet look at you before you turned around to hide the shame and worry on your face. you could hear his footsteps coming closser to you now he was right behind you.

you saw ratchet look at you before you turned around to hide the shame and worry on your face. you could hear his footsteps coming closer to you now he was right behind you looking down at your small hunched frame.

ratchet leaned down and looked at you but a sort of more your level. he could see that you were hiding your arm and quickly grabbed your arm carefull not to harm you


"what in the name of the all spark did you do?" Ratchet asked stunned.

his optics gazing at your bleeding wounds.

"there....Nothing." you said turning your head to look away form ratchet.

"NOTHING? you think this is NOTHING?" ratchet yelled right in your ear and you flinched at his words.

ratchet immediately picked you up and sped walked *looked like running to a human* and closed the doors and went down to the actual base. once the doors opened he dashed threw and set you gently on the table. (despite his rush) and went over to grab cleaning supplies and gauze.

"really ratchet its no-"

"yep yep yep yep, that is nothing (Y/N) and you know it." ratchet interrupted you with his yipping.

once he got the supplies he rushed over, propped your forearm up and began working.

"why would you do this to yourself, you know that this will leave scars that will never fade." ratchet says. you remained quiet and let him rant.

"you humans think that you need to inflict this pain and suffering on yourselves to relive the pain...how idiotic." you flinch at the pain when he started sewing up the cuts that were really deep.

"why do you care?" you muttered under your breath.

ratchet stopped and looked at you in anger and shock.

"because i love you (Y/N)." ratchet says bluntly continuing on your forearm. your eyes widened and your face turned red with blush.


"why is is so hard for humans to listen?" ratchet groans. you suddenly lean over and kiss ratchet while hes patching up your forearm. his lips were soft and warm. he comes to a complete stop flinching at your sudden action.

you pull away and look at ratchet. his faceplate is covered in a light blue , his optics are doubled in size and his mouth is agape.

"was that to...im-" ratchet crashes his lips into yours but this time with a little more force but you dont mind. you kiss back and lean in.

moments pass and ratchet leans back and looks at you and then back at your forearm.

"you to marvelous to be doing this to your beautiful skin (Y/N)." ratchet says sadly.

"promise me something."

"anything..." ratchet looks at you his optics pleading.

"dont cut yourself"

You smiled and nodded. Ratchet sighed with relief and he continued sewing your cuts.

"How did you even get a blade?" He asked looking at you. You shifted into your seat and didn't look at him.

"(Y/n)." Ratchet said narrowing his eyes at you. You looked down in shame.

"There like 34 cents at the dollar store..." You said. Ratchet sighed again and you bit the inside of your lip.

"And where are the rest?" He asked finishing up on your arm. You didn't look at him and he used his hand and made you look at him squishing your cheeks between his fingers.

"Where are the other blades?" Ratchet asks. You were the one to sigh now. Reaching in your pocket you grabbed a small box and handed it to him. Ratchet opened it and gasped.

There were blades with dried blood on them some were broken and some only had one part if it. You've had theise for a while and you had it on you so you could keep the other blade that you threw off the cliff.

"How long have you done this to yourself?" Ratchet asked. You kicked your feet off the edge and thought about it.

"3 mabey 4 years." You said thinking back to when you first did it. Ratchet shook his head and grabbed your other arm and pulled up your sleeve suprised not seeing any.

"I don't cut on my writing hand." You explain. Ratchet goes to the next part. Your legs.

"I'm going to have to check your legs.." ratchet says looking at your legs. You flushed red but nodded and pulled off your pants and put them to the side.

You hissed in pain as you looked down to your thighs seeing the healing cuts. Ratchet groaned and grabbed the needle and thread.

"There healing!" You said panicked. Ratchet looked at you with a raised brow.

"How long ago were theise?"

"3 days ago." You said looking down at the floor. Ratchet didn't say anything. The cuts were indeed healing and there was no need to sew them if the blood was clotted over the cut.

Ratchet put the kit away and looked at you. Your thighs were covered in cuts along with your calfs. Your body was covered in cuts and he hated seeing it but that ment nothing to how much he cared for you thought he would never admit it.

Ratchet placed his cold fingers on your thighs and you sighed in relaxation. Ratchet blushed a little but he rubbed around your cuts trying to give your a massage if that was what he was doing.

But one of his fingers grazed over a cut and pain spiked up your leg and you flinched and ratchet saw and pulled away quickly.

"I'm sorry I was just trying to help you." Ratchet said. You smiles and grabbed his hands and placed them back on your thighs.

"It dosnt hurt me it just gave me a shock that's all." You said looking at him.

"I didn't hurt you?"


"Can I continue?"


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