3- Smokescreen

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(hi again welcome back. this is another re write story so again have fun.)

"i think we are all to blame at this point." optimus says looking around the huddles team.

"what?" arcee says confused.

"HOW?" ratchet asks in frustration.

"we are all to blame because none of us are willing to teach smokescreen of the nature of humans and the rules we apply as to protecting them." optimus explains.

"i can show him the ropes prime." you say jumping off the couch and running over to the excitement.

"smokescreen will you allow (Y/N) to educate you on the nature of humans and the way we protect them?" optimus asks smokescreen looking at him.

smokescreen turns to look at you and smiles. "i wouldn't mind." smokescreen says.

you quickly jump off the railed area and land on the floor. "alright tech lets go." smokescreen says turning into his alt mode.

he opens the car door and waits for you to get in and you rush in exited. smokescreen closed the door and and steps on the gas pedal and you two go off racing out of the base in a flash leaving a trail of smoke behind you and him.

The sun seemed to set on the jasper kny and the stars scattered through the dark midnight blue sky. The once burnt orange was now a soft Marron cream that whipped through the surroundings.

You sighed content with your surroundings closing your eyes on the door.

"You good teach?"

"Hmm? Oh yhea, yhea I'm good."

Your mind was swimming with thoughts with things that have been going on in your life and hiw much time you've spent around the autobots.

Getting smaked down shot at blown up this is where your life was now? It made you smile. Everything did lead to this very moment.

Comming to jasper was the best thing your family did there were moments where yes you wanted to go back but then your mind told you to wait. You didn't know why those 3 kids from school were so cool to you or how easy it was to become their freinds.

They accepted you for who you were and it made a warm feeling come from you.

But as you entered the town you brought your head back and placed your hands on his wheel acting as if you were really driving the car.

you and him were driving threw Jasper enjoying yourselves. you were coming to a red light. "ok yellow means..-" "GO FASTER!" smokescreen interrupts you as he speeds up and then immediately stops at the red light causing you to almost have a heat attack.

smokescreen starts to laugh and you toll your eyes. "you cant do that smoky and you should know that!" you say looking out of the drivers side window.

"Common (Y/N) i was just fooling around. i would never put you in REAL danger." smokescreen says.

"your to cute to be crushed into a pulp and if they do they'll be sorry." smokescreen growls at the last part. your eyes widen and you look at the steering wheel.

"smokescreen do you...like me?" your heart racing like you and him have been doing all day.

The things you've been doing to get here it got even better. Something swelled up and you smiled brightly and grabbed the steering wheel.

"That's what this is?" Smokescreen said as if he had discovered the meaning to life. And thej the both if you laughed. A laugh that was needed.

"wow if i would of knew it would be that easy i would of asked you a long time ago." smokescreen laughs a little.

"and i would have still said yes." you say touching the steering wheel.

you then see and hear a car that you know all to well. you quickly duck your head and start to panic as the car rolls up alongside you and smokescreen. "what is it cons?" smokescreen asks worried and yet itching for a fight. "just someone from school that i dont want to talk to and not see."

you say leaning your whole body down. you dont know whats happening but then you hear a splash on the window as the car drives off in a rush.

you sit back up and look at the windows in horror. that son of a bitch threw a burger at smokescreens window and just drove off, are you kidding me?

"what was that for?' smokescreen asked raged as the light turns green and you get pushed back into the seat a little as he drives off.

"he has to pay." smokescreen says.

"Um no."

"Why not he threw what ever that's is"

"3 things, 1 we nmdont have time, 2 Optimus dosnt want you to, and 3 we are not going to harm him just because of a stupid burger."

"Who said anything about harming?"

-brought to you by smokescreen and you ordering 12 burgers and 10 fries-

when you got back you and him were a laughing fit you got out and and he transformed back and you two continued to laugh.

"whats so funny?" ratchet asks looking at you two and optic ridge raised.

"ratchet ratchet, look at Vince's car." you say showing your phone to the medic.

ratchet leans down and looks at your tiny phone screen. his optics widen as the picture reveals a car with fast-food smeared and splattered all over it.

you pull your phone away and look at it. "hey vinny did you want fries with that?!" You ask as you and smokescreen start to howl with laughter.

Arcee comes over and asks the same question ratchet did. You showed your phone and acree narrowed her eyes.

"Wait do you taught smokescreen everything he dosnt need to know about fast food?"

You put your phone in your pocket and shrug.

"Smokescreen passed all the tests. Work hard play hard." You said walking away from them smokescreen followed you and turned to the others hands up in defence

"dont worry, no humans were harmed in the making of these photos." smokescreen says a smile on his face

Ratchet shakes his head in disappointment. "optimus will not like this..."

Arcee looked back at the Teo of you and she saw the way smokescreen smiled brightly at you.

"There thoghter now arnt they?"

"You didn't expect that the first time smokescreen even came to the base?" Rathcet asked her. Arcee smiled and shook her head.

"Destiny's child has a tag along."

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