31- Megatron

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You placed your hands on the wall and took deep breaths. This was the scariest thing you have done. You wanted to stay on that wall. At least it made you feel safe unlike what was going to happen when you walked away from the wall.

You were gonna spar with the leader of this ship, the lord of the ship, the god of this place.


"I don't have all day to watch you quiver to the wall." Megatron said. You didn't even turn to him but as he spoke you heard the sound of hissing and air being released. The damn man was stretching for what?

When you finally got the courage to turn round you saw that megatron had his hands and arms over his head scratching. You stared and blushed. The metal on his frame was shiney but yet it was matted. The underside of his arms were so big. You bit the inside of your lip but then you saw him looking at you. A criminal side eye. He was watching you staring at you he did it for a reason.

You quickly turned around and brought your hand to your mouth and you bit hard on your pointer finger mentally screaming.

"Let's start."

You faced the con again a smile on his face one of calmness but yet cunning. You pushed away the thoughts and made your body shift into a form for sparing.

Your legs were bent and one was behind the other. Your body was hunched and your arms instinctively came to your chest as your hands balled into fists you weren't ready for this.

"You are an autobot." Megatron said, narrowing his red and white eyes at you. You nodded and then shifted one of your hands to a blaster and pointed at the leader.

Megatron did to get into a position. His right arm holding his cannon was being him and his other hand was in front of him. He put one hand behind his back. He knew you weren't a threat.

"Come at me." Megatron commanded. You shuffled before coming full force at him you blasted him and he dodged effortlessly as if he were leaning back for something. You swerved around and shot his back. Megatron chuckled as it tickled.

"Not enough." He said watching you circle him. You narrowed your eyes like a predator with its prey.

Again you shot and again he dodged. You gave up on your blaster and shifted back to your fist. You ran to him and jumped did a flip and twisted throwing your fist to him aiming for his face.

But as you watched him it was like everything was in slow motion. Your fist was about to hit his face but then his hand came out and caught your wrist

He gripped it tightly and you winced. You were smaller than him standing close to the middle of the chest. So he listed your wrist up and grinned wickedly and your fear came over you.

Your body acted on its own and you hoisted your legs up and kicked his head back making him let go of you. You crashed to the floor and then flipped away from the con panting a little as you did so.

The con was currently hunched over you smirked to yourself. You hit him. But as your ego grew you heard it.

The laugh.

The crazed laugh that you have only heard once and that was when you were watching the autobot base on fire and megatron's arm gone.

"That's the spirit." He sighed as if happy with what you just did. "But you forget my origin." He says bringing out his other hand.

The training wheels were off.

"How could I forget where you came from? You were a Gladiator." You said confused. Megatron whipped away a drop of energon and looked at the liquid, the smile on his face never leaving.

"I forgot what it was like to have a real fight." He looked up at you, the glint in his eyes made you freeze. Something wasn't right.

You stood your stance and got ready. It was his turn to strike. He only walked over to you. "Hey wait!" You said confused even more as you started backing up. "Hit me, do something why are you just walking to me...STOP!" You said holding your hand out.

Your hand touched Megatron's chest like hiccup touched toothless type of touch. You stayed there. You felt his chest rising and falling with every breath he took. The look in his eyes made you avert your gaze. It want a bad look like the ones he gave to Screamer but a look of change.

Megatron took his hand and placed it under your chin and lifted your head up to look at him. His white pupils stared into your (F/C) ones. You felt something inside you. A desire. You knew why you were having it you hated knowing why you had it and you retaliated against it.

"(Y/n)" Megatron said his voice smoother then a couple of minutes ago. You waited for the war lord to talk and he looked like he was having trouble with it. He looked mad at himself for not being able to say it like there was a barrier that his ego wouldn't let break. You risked it and brought your hand to his cheek.

"Just do what you need to do, I won't run."

Megatron was shocked when he heard you but he didn't show it. You were comfortable with him doing something to you. You trusted him.

This made him do something he's never done. Well during this time of war.

He quickly leaned into your body and placed his lips on yours. His body pressed against you made you freeze again. His lips were so soft you thought you were dreaming.

So why not enjoy the dream while it lasted?

You closed your eyes and wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled his head closer to yours closing the distance between you. It was so slow, so sweet, like you weren't just fighting a moment ago.

Like two lovers seeing each other for the first time. Careful not to step over the lines but crossing over into a new territory.

Megatron was careful with your frame. Not that he could hurt you but because he was scared that you were going to run from him and if you were he wouldn't hate you for it. But as the kiss continued so did you. You stayed with him and this sparked something in him.

"Y/n" Megatron said pulling from your lips even though he hated it with every fiber in his being. Your eyes fluttered open and you eyes adjusted and so did your mind with what you just did. When reality hit you you panicked and wiggled off the wall and walked away from Megatron but ironically hitting another wall.

You looked down at your hands and saw that they were shaking a little. Your hands came to your face and they trailed down to your lips his touch still there.

"I'll be on my leave now." Meatron said heartbroken as he turned away.


He turned around and saw you walking to him. You stopped a couple of feet away from him, something had changed in your thoughts and he saw it.

"Can we..continue?" You asked, looking down at the floor like a child who had gotten caught.

Megatron's eyes widened. As he heard you.

"You want to continue with me?" He asked looking at you. You nodded and then you looked up at him.


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