52- Megatron and Optimus

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A poly relationship takes time. God you knew that. One evil or once evil and one good and still good.

They loved teaming up against you for things. Like pleading for things. They were good at that. They would just get down to your level and look at you.

(As seen here art by me)

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(As seen here art by me)

It made you mad sometimes when they teamed up on you. But God it was funny sometimes. Megatron even tried ti teach Optimus how to flirt and talk dirty but when he tried he sounded like he was trying to hard and it made both you and Megatron cringe.

And when Optimus teaches Megatron to be soft and say loving things to you it seemed like he only insulted you.

But it didn't take long for the two to find a middle ground when it came to you. And the middle ground was praise. Now you were all for it and you loved it. When you called them and said little things here and there saying that you nit pretty or beautiful it pissed them off. They would both yell at you telling you to either shut up or say sorry.

It was so fun ticking them off even Optimus cause he was the clamer one. And it was hilarious to watch him try to calm down megstron when you pissed him off.

Now note they never actually hurt you so that was good but when they git mad they would tame you another way. And I think you knew what other way I'm talking about.

Let's give and example.

"Optimus can you come in here for a moment?"

*Optimus walks in and takes a seat across from the author*

"Hello author" *smiles*

"Hello Optimus I'm guessing you already know why your here?"

*Optimus nods.*

"To tell you about y/n?"

*author nods*

"When she makes you and Megatron mad who calms down the quickest?"

"That would be me."

"Ok and who gets mad the quickest?"


*looks at camera like Deadpool.*

*Optimus looks in the same direction but dosnt see what the author sees*

*Author turns back to Optimus*

"And who punishes y/n?"

*Optimus blushes*

"Well..what do you mean by said punishing?"

*author brings hands together and leans closer to Optimus.*

"You know what I talking about when I say punishing."

*Optimus clears his throat*

"Well that depends on what y/n has done."

"Well let's refer to yesterday."

*a monitor rolls down from the wall and a projector appears from the roof.*

"We took a recording of said punishment."

*Optimus turns to author*

"You...recorded us..?"

*author nods unphased.*

*Optimus stands up and points his balstwr to the screen shooting it exploding both the screen and projector*

"I will not alow you to show that."

*author turns to invisible camera with a sly smile*


*Optimus sits back down glaring at the author*

"Don't worry I want going ti actually show your moment I didn't record it."

*another projector appears and shows a picture of he troll face.*

*Optimus narrows his eyes at the screen*

"I don't like where this is going.."

"Oh dint worry I just need you to answer some more questions that's all."

*Optimus stands up but author points to the chair and forcefully Optimus suddenly sits back down.*

"I think you forgot that I run this story."

*author leans back in their chair a devilish smile on their face.*

*Optimus gives a glare at the author and clenched his hand into a fist.*

"I can even make you say something so damn stupid watch"

*author points to Optimus*

"I am Optimus prime and I like to smoke weed and fuck trucks"

*Optimus covers his mouth with his hand in fear and shock.*

*the author smiles darkly and stands up and lowers their head and looks back at him.*

"I am the ruler if this world you are just here to entertain me and the reader."

*author looks over at the invisible camera*

"Unless the reader says otherwise I rely on their reads in order to make ends meet."

*author grabs papers and looks through them.*

"One comment says 'you leave that old bot alone' and that was in one of my ratchet story's."

*Optimus keeps on glaring at the author*

"One says something about a link that I figured out you can't clock on and that was for a ultra magnus story."

"What's your point to this?"

*author looks to Optimus.*

"Let's bring in the other guy in here what do you say?"

*author snaps their fingers.*

*a chair appears and suddenly megatron pops into existence and sits on the chair*

"What in the pits of kaon?!"

*Megatron looks over at Optimus and then sees the author*

"Where are we who are you?"

*author smiles.*

"Your in my story welcome make yourself at home because your not leaving now."

*Megatron growls and looks over at Optimus who galres at the author not saying anything."

"What's is going on orion?"

"They have brought us here to be in their twisted ideas."

*Megatron looks at the author*

"You force us into your bidding?!"

*the author shakes their head*

"Not bidding just asking questions."

*Megatron growls again.*

"What type of questions?"

*author shrugs and then looks at the invisible camera and smiles wickedly*

"Whatever the reader wants..."

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