14- Optimus prime

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you just got out of the shoer and were heading down the hallway to your room when you heard your phone ringing

(you bring it with you to the shower...)

you looked at the screen and saw that it was blades that was calling you. you lifted the phone up to your ear and waited.

"OPTIMUS AND BEE ARE HERE (Y/N)!" he sounded so exited. your face lit up with joy as you quickly hung up and dashed into your room to change.

once you changed you rushed down the fire pole and then down to the base where low and behold the big red and blue autobot leader was standing a couple of feet away from you. your smile grew as you speed walked over to him.

optimus looked down at your tiny frame approaching him and he smiled lightly.

"greetings (Y/N)." optimus says.

you smile brightly as you crane your neck to look at him.

"Hey Prime!." you smile. 'finally.' you thought. 'he finally came.'

(alright hope yall liked it again im SORRY that its so long im doing this at like 12 in the morning so im very tired so bear with me on this one....)

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