19- Megatron

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you felt eyes on you but who did they belong to. you didnt know and you honestly dint want to turn around to see who they belonged to. the feeling wasnt threatening so you didnt mind the stare. but as they continued staring at you you started going crazy.

who was this who was looking at you for this long? so without anything to go off of you turned around and meet the eyes of the one who was staring at you. your eyes widened at who was staring at you and your face immediately flushed red. it was megatron. his red eyes stared into your (e/c) eyes. your hands shook and your body betrayed you. your heart raced and he didnt stop looking at you. but then the thought came up to you. was he just spaced out? like you when you watch T.V. you started agreeing with yourself.

"maybe hes just spaced out and hes not looking at me." the thought made your heart sink a little but you knew it was the only logical solution.

how could somebot like megatron THE megatron like a small frail human like you. but as you thought about it more you knew that him and your aunt Dot were in the same army division and he was very fond of her. you would always chuckle to yourself as he called her by her full name and how it rolled off his tounge and when you would chuckle it seemed as though he always heard you.

But now that all these thoughts were in your mind you didnt think about it and you spaced out. so you didnt hear megatron when he asked

"what are you looking at (y/n)?" and he had to wave his hand infront of your face in order for you to snap out of it. and when you did you saw that he was staring at you and that you had been doing the same to him.

you brought your hands up to your face and covered it.

"im sorry megatron sir i...i ddint mean to." you said feeling like a idiot for looking at him.

Megatron laughed at you and it made you feel so much worse. but unlike his usual laugh he sighed and shook his head.

"you saw my little stare didnt you (y/n) my apologies if ive made you uncomfortable." he said now feeling his own faceplate heat up but thank the primes he could show that.

"there's no need to feel sorry megatron." you said now looking away from him. but he couldn't take his own optics at you.

He adored you and how easy you were to deal with and sometimes how you would resist. he loved that part. when you or Dot would resist. but it was even more fun with you. because when you did resist he would lean down to you and look at you.

his eyes would stare into your own as if he was seeing your soul. he would watch how your face would grow red and he knew why. thats why he did it. you acted like you were a baddie but as time moved on he saw that you were just hurt inside just like him. 

"(y/n)." he said to you his voice low. you crossed your arms over your chest and huffed.

"yes?" you asked being a brat. primus he loved that. your small frame meant everything to the bot. the way your smile perked up his day the was you would siting his seat just because you didnt want to ride with the prime.

how your tail end would push the seat inside him just right he would be lying if he said it didnt drive him crazy sometimes and he wouldnt even mean to do it but the seat belt would get tighter around you and you didnt think of why but he knew. 

"your testing me." he says. your smile came to your lips and he wished he were smaller so he could connect the space between you. show you what would happen if you resisted.

"oh really well what ever have i done to test the great and powerful megatron?" you asked using a royal voice. you did this just to make him even more hungry but you didnt know that. you had no idea. you just were something on his plate and he needed you.

"i have more power then you can ever think of little girl." he aid a wicked smirk on his face. your eyes widened at his comment and it sent you back a little.

you flirted with the bot to many times to not be stunned but the way his voice got deeper and deeper each time he spoke to you you could have sworn he was just pinning you to a wall. 

"yes well i am a girl but not a little one." you say trying desperately not to show him that he was winning. but he already knew because he leaned ever more closer and you could see the hunger in his eyes something you saw only little of but not today. today he wanted you to resist it was the best part.

"the hunter never does it so he can travel around the area." megatron would say to you.

"he would do it to win a prize. the prize of the hunt and the prey." 

but you were a slippery thing for him to catch. especially with prime and Dot and the new terrens always being around you it was hard for him to get you alone with him and when he did he took advantage of every second. every push every pull every head turn of you would only make him crave you more and this time he wasnt going to let go. even if the prime walked in. or Dot. sure he told Dot how he felt about you and she was concerned at first but then she saw what he was like around you.

was she concerned about the age gap. well. no. she was concerned about how he would act around her. dot knew you were soft and he was hard due to so many years in war. you had no idea what it would be like if you lived in his shoes. but Dot got accustomed to ,megatron liking you and he asked her would she be ok with him dating you. Dot didnt respond after a minute before she nodded and told him that you were perfect for him. 

so now that Dot was out of the way he had to deal with prime. he never talked about you to him. though he would tell him how you were witch made him smile every time but the prime wasnt stupid. he soon found out that megatron liked you. he didnt like it at first just like Dot. he thought he would get to mad and hurt you.

But he saw how level headed he was around you even when you and him argued. so when prime asked megatron if he liked you he stayed silent. and prime saw how much you had effected him. 

but megatron didnt care right now. how could he when you were this close to him. you face mere inches from his. he wanted so badly to touch you. to show you all the pent up hunger he had for you. but he kept his composure and leaned back and stood up straight.

you were surprised and  our heart sunk again. did he not like you. you thought he did. maybe you were just caught up in the moment. but then you saw it. the look in his eyes and then he did something that confirmed your suspicions. he licked his lips. his tounge glided across his lips as if giving you a silent sign and you saw it. how could you not? 

"the best part of the game my dear (y/n), is the waiting." and with those words he walked out of the room and left you alone heated and unbalanced damn him for his actions and damn him for his game.

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