28- Drift

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((Now I know what your thinking I haven't been here for like 2 years and I do apologize for that this book is not dead please know that ok cool))

It wasn't that you didn't like being here it's just the shitty reception. The scrapyard wasn't the best place to be if you wanted to be on the internet. But something shocked you one day when a new bot came to the team. His name was drift along with his 2 mini cons.

This was strange to say but it was cool. When you were around him he emitted a wifi connection. It was crazy you knew so now when you stranded next to him the wifi went up. You would laugh sometimes and he would ask ehats wring and you wouldn't tell him.

So now there you were standing next to him listing to music. The sound blared and he heard your music. It was distasteful for him and he turned to you and narrowed his eyes annoyed. He didn't know why you bothered him so he tapped you on the shoulder.

You turned to him and lower the volume of your music.

"Do you mind?" He asked annoyed. You were confused and then he gestured to your audio receptors. "Oh sorry is it to loud?" You asked blushing harshly. Let's just say the songs you were listening to were nit child friendly. Alot about sex and fucking. Humans were strange but the music they made primus you loved.

"Very loud." Drift said. But as he looked at you he saw that you were hiding something. "And another thing why do you stand so close?" He asks. Now this wasn't the first time he's asked but this time he wasnt going to take a "just wanna hang out" for an answer.

And when you opened your mouth he stopped you. "And don't lie to me." Quickly you closed your trap and turned. "I've over stayed my welcome." You started and then walked off but suddenly your forearmwas grabbed by him and he pulled you between him you body between his thighs. "I know what you listen to y/n." He says hardly. You blushed madly and struggle to get out. And now the song that played was nit one to help.

It was we can make love by Slomo.

And the music blared out and he heard it all. Suddenly drifts hands were placed on your hips. "You never play anything eles when your around me...always this type of music why is that hmm?" He asked darkly as he trailed your curves. You bit your lip and looked away. "It's nit always this type of music." You said. "Oh really?" He asked and then his hand slipped between your thighs making you gasp. "Then why are you so sensitive now?" He asked smiling but you couldn't see it.

You made your body rest on his your legs on either side of him sitting on him. Straddling his lap your arms wrapped around his neck and your head tucked in his neck cables.

"Your very bad at this whole lieing thing." Drift says as his fingers trail over your cover. You hum a little and move your hips to create some friction. "Before we do this tell me something." He says pausing. "Why do you stand so close to me?" This was a normal question and you gulped and answered. "Cause you give me wifi connection." You said.

Drift sat there trying to understand what you ment. "What?" He asks. You groan and lean back to look at him your face flushed with a light blue. "When your not here I don't get good service for wifi that's why I stand so close to you." You said not looking at him. Drift hummed and then lifted your head up to look at him. "Stand closer then." He said and before you could ask he kissed you passionately.

His fingers brushed over your cover again and silently asked your you to open to which you did. You opened your port and he slipped his fingers inside your vlauve making you gasp and clench around him.

His fingers began to pump ever so slowly inside of you his fingers pressing into your walls Sevigny tingles inside of you. "Cant you go faster drift please?" You said softly. Drift chuckled and tapped your audio receptor. "Play your music let me do all the work."

And so you did. The next song was numb to the feeling by Chase Atlantic and as the song played drift pumped slowly. You groaned and rolled your hips making drift see your impatience. "Just fuck me already." You begged. Drift rolled his eyes and leaned down and rested you on the ground below him hovering over you. "So needy for me."

You opened your legs wider and waited for him. He looked down and took off his cod piece and out came his spike already leaking. "Look who's needy." You said a smirk on your face. Drift narrowed his eyes at you. "Do not tempt me y/n." Drift said taking his spike and gliding it over your valve sending tingles up your frame.

And as he did so he meet your entrance and he pushed inside stretching out your walls and it sent you over. Moans came out from your vocals and Drift pushed Inside you again. His hands never left your hips and he pulled out and pushed in again. He was going so slow it angered you. "Drift your a ninga your duppost to be quick and easy." You said. Drift smiled and looked to you. " one must take time and strike when least expected as well." He said and then he pulled out againa dn then rammed himself inside you earning a gasp and moan from you.

He was relentless now. Slamming into you rocking you to your very core. His spike running inside then retreating out only to come back again. You moaned and screamed and called out his name. Drift panted and laughed at your state knowing that he was the reason as to why you were like this. He did this to you and he was going to finish this.

So with that mind set he brought his hand to your node and circled it making your back arched a little. And soon after the pounding and the node loving you reached your limit and feel over the edge overloading on Drift.

Drift chuckled again and he too finished inside of you. His body strained to stay hovered over you. The energy inside him weakened and he fell to your side making sure to not pull out of you as he did so.

You two stayed there cuddled together saying nothing letting your body relax from the moment before. The music faded and Drift held you closer. "Drift." You called. He hummed and you smiled. "Can this be a thing now...us?" You asked turning your head to him. Drift didn't need to think about it. "That was the plan." He said. You were shocked and laughed. "Fragfed me in order to be mine?" You asked. Drift hummed a yes and snuggled into your neck. "The intimate part wasn't part of the plan but I'm glad I did it."


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