44- Optimus prime

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you wore theise things often they werer ontop of your head right now but that was becaue you were inside. Dot looked over at you and handed you a cup of coffie and smiled at you. "another day of work (y/n)?" she asked. you smiled and took the coffie and nodded. "yep." and then you took a sip the liquid burning your tounge. you pulled back and you saw dots reaction to you. "does it taste bad?" she asked kinda hurt. you shook your head and gestred to the steam comming from the cup. i"its hot. burned my tounge." you say. dot laughed at you and you joined her. just then ryleigh came in and looked at dot and you. "morning." you greeted the yong teenager. ryleigh blinked a couple of times before waving at you. ryleigh never talked in the morning because her throat want ready to speak so she stayed clear from the pain. ryleigh went to the fridge and grabbed the milk and pored herself a glass and sipped on it while she sat beside you. "you look even more tired then usual." you said taking a cautions sip of your coffee making sure it didn't burn you a second time. ryleigh nodded and she rested her head on her hand. "yhea i guess." Ryleigh said with a raspy voice. you were shocked at how she sounded. it was if she were another person. 

"honey your voice." dot says gestiering to her own throat. ryleigh perked up and cleared it and took a sip of her milk. "sorry." she said again her voice back to its usual cool self. she settled back in her seat and sighed. "he had me up all night." she said you chuckled at who she was talking about. Bumblebee. her sparkmate or what she called him boyfreind. (hes my bf in other stories but when i make ones for him ill pick another character) "he kept you up till the crack of dawn i persume?" you asked taking another drink of your now cooled down coffiee. ryleigh nodded and she looked out the window and watched him talking to the terrens. "he made me stay up al night just so i can walk with him. (y/n) walk! all around this place as if i didnt have to go to sleep!" ryleigh started growing mad and you laughed along with Dot. she huffed and stood up almost spilling her milk in the prossess. "He'll do that to you baby." dot says taking ryleigh and pulling her into a side hug. "you just gotta deal with it." ryleigh nodded understanding where she was comming from afterall she was her family. 

dot told ryleigh to gotget ready for school and dot would tell bee to get ready so he could go and drop her off. ryleigh walked back upstairs and dot sighed. "i gotta have a talk with the bot." dot said lookign thought the window and at the yellow and black bot who was trying to show twitch and thrash how to use them something. You shrugged and sipped your coffee again. "Give the bot some credit." You said but as you saw the look in dots face. "I'll go get ready for work." You said finishing your coffee and giving dot thr cup. "Good idea." Dot said. 

When you were ready you heard someone pull up into the dirt driveway. But it wasn't Alex because he didn't go anywhere. Dot had already left for work and the kids had left for school over a hour ago. So you walked out to see who it was and were suprised to who it was. It was Optimus prime. He transformed into his bot mode and towered over you. He looked down and smiled. "Greetings (y/n)." Optimus said. You waved up at him and he used his fingers to make guns and point them at you. "Snazzy shades you got there." The comment sent you back a little. Optimus never said something like snazzy so when he did you couldn't help but cringe. "Thank you prime." You said now taking yiur shades and sliding them over your eyes as you were now outside. Optimus saw the cringe on your face and mentaly cursed at himself. Just then bumblebee came racing in and transforming back into his bot mode and checked something a proud smile on his face. "New record!" He said looking at you and then seeing Optimus standing beside you. "Optimus! I didn't know you would be here." Bee said feeling silly for his emotions. Optimus smiled at bee and nodded. "I see you have just come back." Optimus said. Bee straightened up and nodded. "Just took ryleigh to school...I needed to make sure she got there on time." Bee was not one dor being late and would usually get ryleigh out the door before she could even begin to understand what was going on. 

"First day of school?" Optimus asked you. You nodded and then grabbed your keys. "Yep." Was all you said before walking to yiur truck. It was a ford F1 50 in red your favorite color. But you would never say why. Optimus watched you as you got in and started up your truck. The prime wished you had asked him if he could drop you off. It would give him time to talk to you. That was why he came here. But sadly he was to late. 

"Well have fun today." You say waving at the two bots and you drove off. Optimus watched as you drove away and he sighed defeated. Bee looked up at Optimus and felt bad. "You still haven't told her?" He asked the prime. "I'm afraid I haven't." Optimus said feeling bad for not telling you sooner. "You'll tell her someday." Bee said thinking back to when he first told ryleigh. "It happens to the best of them  just give it time she'll come around." Optimus was surprised that his scout was giving him advice. "Arnt you supposed to be teaching the young Terrens?" Optimus said. 

"They do their own thing in the morning." Bee explained. But as Optimus looked at bee he saw something on the young scouts mind. "Their not listing to you?" Optimus said a smile on his face as he found out what bee was so upset about. But what Optimus didn't expect was the next 30 minutes of bee complaining and saying that twitch wasn't listing to him about a cautious actions. And thrash didn't want to go anywhere if it wasn't with mo. Optimus listened as he then started talking about ryleigh. At this point Optimus was sitting on the ground as the scout paced back and forth telling him about the times ryleigh and you said against him when ryleigh of all people should be on his side. But then Optimus saw thrash walking out of the barn and he quickly got up. "Yes well I'm sure you will work things out with everyone it just takes time." Now granted, Optimus had just twisted bee words to make them his own but Optimus didn't care he just wanted out of the conversation. 


Everyone had came back to the house and Optimus had not left. Mo and robbie had come home first and they were happy to see Optimus. Next was dot she was glad to be home but confused on why the prime was still there. Next was ryleigh. She had gotten dropped off but not by bee and he freaked out by this and the prime knew bee would chew out ryleighs ear. But she still said hi to Optimus and he waved back. And lastly it was you. You came back from work and rubbed your tired eyes and closed the door to yiur truck and saw that Optimus was still here. When he saw you he made a bee line to you and stood next to your truck. "Welcome back (y/n)." Optimus said happy to see you come back safely. You waved uo at him and walked back into the house tired from your day of work. "Sorry Optimus but imma go to bed. Had a long day." Optimus frowned at your comment but he knew you were tired. "I understand." Optimus said. He watched you go inside and he sighed again upset with today not going his way. But he would tell you that was for sure. 

He wouldn't start off the conversation talking about your shades though. He didn't even know what snazzy ment.

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