7- Megatron

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some say that being in the war ship can be pretty brutal and some say that they love it and soon want to be the next Megatron but not me, being here with the grey bot scares me in a a way that ive never felt, like someone that could kill you in a instant and knowing that he could when ever he wants but i dont think that he can or he would.

"(Y/N)!" i hear a booming voice yell. i turn around and look at who just came on the deck. 'fucking megatron who eels?' i think as i look at him.

"why are you here and not accompany me?" he growls. i think for a moment before talking. "because i thought that you didnt want me to accompany you." i say.

"well you humans are short sighted now get up and lets go." he commands.

i sigh quietly as i try to jump off the throne but it dosnt work. megatron looks at me with amusement. but he grew tired of watching me almost fall to my death 7 times and looked at soundwave.

soundwave nods and he grabs me with his extra appendage and drops me down next to megatrons feet. "ok, now what?" i ask looking up so high it hurts my neck.

"what do you think?" he asks sarcastically.

i look down and roll my eyes but then look back up.

"do you wish for me to follow you my lord?" i ask.

'why in the hell do i have to call him that dose he feel self conscious if we dont?' i ask myself.

but the thought is quickly interrupted when megatron lowers his hand for he to get on. i obey and he lift me up and places me on his shoulder and walks out of the deck.

we walk threw the dim lighted hallways of the war ship and i look around. 'this is boring' i think as i look up at the purple hue lights.

"what are you staring at?" megatron demands.

it takes me back but i still answer, "i was looking at the lights." i say.

"why would you waste your time on doing that?" he asks.

i only shrug. "i dont know, im bored." i say.

i then hear a low chuckle coming from the decepticon lord and i panic.

"bored you say?" he says as he looks over at me with a huge sharp grin.

"i can fix that." my eyes widen.

"i-i-i mean you dont have to.." i inquire.

i then feel like im falling and i look down to see a human megatron below me. i close my eyes for the impact but then i feel hands grasp my shoulders and legs. it takes me a minute to open my eyes, i look up and see him

 it takes me a minute to open my eyes, i look up and see him

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"oh my god!" i yell looking at him with fear.

"dont tell me your scared?" he says leaning into my face.

i blink a couple of times before quickly looking away.

"ummm no im not scared just surprised?" the statement sounded more like a question.

i see him smile again as i look away. "you look nice with that blush on your face." megatron says kissing me slowly.

my eyes shoot wide open and my hart starts to race. 'HES KISSING ME OH MY GOD HES KISSING ME!' my mind screams.

but as the kiss continues i find myself wrapping my arms around his neck loosely. megatron breaks the kiss to give me air.

"are you still bored?" he asks. i smile.

"not anymore." i say as i lean in again and we kiss once more. 'totally not bored'

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