36- Megatron

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sitting by the all seeing lord of the decepticons sent chills up your spine but the type of chills you get when you love someone. your tail wagging a little due to the fact that megatron looked at you making your spark race with joy.

"what is wrong with you?" megatron asks his optics looking deep into your own. you only sigh as you get up from your spot and kneel down in front of the lord megatron and rested your helm on his knee. looking up at him with your wide optics you smile seeing that this got a strange reaction form the decepticon.

"dont look at me like that." megatron commands as he looks away. you already knew that he wasnt going to do anything to you that would harm such a delicate little flower such as yourself so you pressed on still looking at him with those doughy optics that melted the poor decepticon spark.

Slowly getting up from your kneeling state but still looking at the leader you smile as you lean into his neckcables and lick them ever so slightly making the hands of the mighty megatron grasp your hips as it he were to grab a sword.

You smile as you continue to lick and tease the lord. you knew that he was trying to hold the urge to slam you on the walls of the nemisis and make you beg for mercy but he knew as well as another bot he couldnt do that.

Instead, he sat there still as a stone as you moved your lips against his neckcables loving how you could set off the evil megatrons plans so easily.

your tail wagging away and your ears bent down you waited for him to whisper in your audio receptors giving you a command to stop or anything before he lost his cool and did something that he would soon regret.

but as you continued he didnt utter a single word nor did he move. frustrated with him and yourself you get up and look at him with a pout on your lips and your eyes in a narrow.

megatron just looked at you with a small devilish smile that only meant one thing.

He was going to frag you when he had the time.

with a new found purpose you stayed like this for a while and enjoyed the look in his eyes as his white optics grazed over your frame.

looking away like a shy child you smile as you lower your hand down to his chassi and wait for a different response and sure enofe one happened,

his eyes widened as he looked at you then down at where you were going as your hand slipped down his frame. his eyes were threating as he glared at you like he did when he looked at starscream but you made a face like it didnt phase you.

continuing down the reached path that you started you waited you him to tell you to stop and you knew that he would. your smile widened as he opened his intake to say the words but you leaned into his audio receptors and whispered.

"you tell me to stop and your be harder then a rock." the threat made him grunt and you smiled once more as you looked down.

"lord megatron." you both heard form starscream. you freeze and turn your helm to look at the con who dared to interrupt you and your scandal.

"i was wondering if i could scout ahead with my flight team in search for any autobots," starscream says bowing and waiting for a reply.

looking over at megatron his smile turns into a sinister grin as he gets up causing you to get up with him. your legs wrap around the cons waist and your arms cling to his neckcables.

"that will be fine starcream." megatron says clearly. starscream nods and walks away with a look of confusion.

"now it is time for me to scout." megatron says huskily in your audio receptors. again, the chills ran threw you and you squeezes your legs around him a little more.

megatron tells soundwave that he is in command while he and you are gone and soundwave only nods.

and lets just say that you and the mighty lord had a splendid time together underneath the covers of your berth

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