46- shockwave

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Warnings: sex, sex potion (ingects a sex serem into you causing you to be in heat like a fucking animal) little foreplay, rough sex due to him not knowing wtf to do but he tries.

It wasn't long before you and the mad scientist got together. Well not like that even though you wanted it like that. Megatron had his little human named ryleigh (yes I put myself in the fucking story get wreaked) 

She was a nice person and she and you were close being the only 2 living humans on the ship but as time moved on you began to dress differently. See ryleigh wore hoddies and pants while you on the other hand wore dark clothing and your shoes once running shoes turned to wedged boots making you the same height as your freind. 

And over time your dressing only got darker and shockwave soon saw this. He studied you and ryleigh together. Ryleigh was more bubbly then you ajd your emotions usualy got the best if you he wondered why but then soon decided to ask you about it. 

But when he did ask you only answered in a eye roll and a tap of your boot. Shockwave didn't take offense to your eye roll but he soon felt as if he needed something form you. Mabey it was a physical need more then anything. 

As he worked you stayed on the table next to him on your phone with your headphones on listening to heavy metal or MCR something he wanted no part of. He liked ryleighs music choices better then yours hers was more calmer and he felt as ease when she played her songs. Not saying that he liked the human but her taste of music was something he liked. 

Shockwave had a plan. A devilish one at that. He would make you turn non goth. Was that even a word he could use. He didn't know but was sure to find out. He remembered when you were nice and loving and now you were a sad and depressed soul wandering thr halls of the nemesis. Such a shame really he could have made you a wonderful specimen. And he would now. 

Shockwave typed something on his monitor and watched to see if the chemical equation worked out and soon he saw that it did. No physical harm to your DNA no ereversable damage to your chromosomes. No harm done. So he created the serem and turned to look at you. You were on your phone trying up something a text mabey but he didn't bother to look. 

"Y/n." Shockwave said. His voice was loud enough to grab your attention and so you took a ear piece out and turned your head to him. "Yes?" You asked your voice was sassy and shockwave continued. "I have acquired something for you to have if your willing." Shockwave placed the vial down infront of you and let you look at it. Your head tuned to the side like a confused fog and then he took it back. "What is that?" You asked. 

Shockwave didn't answer you immediately instead he used his mass displacement and shrunk down to your size but still towering over you. "A chemical formula created for the sole purpose of correcting your emotional behavior." Shockwave said blankly. You felt hurt by the statement seeming as if he were trying to change your mood. "I don't need it." You said and slowly stood up. 

"On the contrary y/n." Shockwave said stepping tword you. You flinched at his movements and you started to back up. "Shockwave what are you doing stop it!" You said panicked. But as you backed up you almost fell off the table you were on. 

But as he grew closer you honestly thought of jumping off. Sure it would break your legs and lead to months of physical therapy. Sure ryleigh would be all over you yelling nd complaining a out it. And yes you still wouldn't get away from Shockwave heel you and him would be even closer seeing that he is your guardian and he would have to take care if you. 

But as you thought about it Shockwave grabbed your arm and you screamed. Terrified that he was trying to kill you. "Stop squirming." Shockwave said coldly before ingecting said serem into your arm earning a cry of pain from you. You hated needled and you hated shots. 

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