24- Wheeljack & Ratchet

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you sat on the shoulder of the grumpy ratchet as you watched him argue with wheeljack about something, though you never knew what they were talking about and sadly you wanted to know.

you looked at them moving their mouths as you see ratchets eyes narrowing in frustration. you only smile as you see from the corner of your eye that wheeljack was smiling as well.

you loved the expressions that the two made but you always wondered what they were really talking about.

-no ones pov-

"you cant be serious wheeljack!" ratchet growls at the red and green bot. "awe common doc," wheeljack says looking over at you with that naughty smile.

"your the brains and im the bronze." wheeljack says lightly bumping his chassis with his fist.

ratchet rolls his eyes. "even if we were to help (y/n) with her hearing she would never agree to be a willing test subject." ratchet says shaking his head and trying to think of the things you could do if you had your hearing back.

wheeljack shrugs and looks at the old doctor with hope,

"please doc it would be nice to see (y/n) smile again dont' ya think?" wheeljack remembers when you used to smile on the daily and it warmed his spark at the thought.

Ratchet frowns but yet smiles as he thinks of the moment when you laughed so hard that he was sure you would pass out.

"i know you want to see the kid smile again doc we both do." wheeljack says solemnly. "i want her to be better and have a meaning for life again." he says.

"you think i dont want her to?" ratchet says with a scowl. "then help the kid doc." wheeljack pushes.

ratchet thinks for a minute and then sighs. "if this doesn't work-" "witch it will" wheeljack interrupts. ratchet growls but then continues. "then your to blame not me." ratchet says pointing to wheeljack. wheeljack only sighs but then nods at the doctors proposal.

"so when do we start?"

-(y/n) pov-

sitting in the human area you read a book, reading you always enjoyed, even now.

setting down the book you rub your eyes. looking over your shoulder at the two bots that you knew so well,

ratchet an wheeljack were huddled together next to a table talking in what looked like hushed voices which you frowned. they know you cant hear them yet they do so anyway.

frowning even more at the thought of your deaf ears you turn back around and curl yourself up in a ball and slowly fall asleep in a quiet dream.

waking up with the soft tapping of a digit you open your eyes and look up at the two titans. wheeljack was the one who was tapping you and with the look on his face it had to be something important. sitting up you looked at them with a questioning look.

wheeljack looked over at ratchet with a cautious glare. ratchet only nods. wheeljack looks back at you with a smile as he lowers his hand and opens it for you to see.

there in the bots servo was a device not smaller then your own hand. grabbing the device you look back up at wheeljack and ratchet.

wheeljack points to his audio receptors and the back at you. your eyes widen as you hold the device up to your ear and place the cool metal on your warm skin.

putting the device in place you wait. suddenly a tapping sound fills your head and you look around and see what the tapping really was.

it was ratchet tapping on the metal. and you heard it!

"i dont think she can hear us." ratchet says with a frown.

"give her a chance doc." wheeljack says.

"yhea ratchet," you say with a little voice crack.

"give me a chance."

(ALRIGHT! hope you liked the stroy hun! and again sorry that it took so long!)

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