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Prince Chaeyoung.

I went to the other tent as soon as I freshen up and wear my gear. The men were already there and Momo was already discussing our strategy.

The men then looked at me and bowed.

"Continue." I said as I reached my seat. I reached for the bread and the meat and began eating.

After Momo's discussion he sat beside me and began eating too.

"Everything's in order?" I asked him.

"A oweys." He said his mouth full of meat. He said: "As always" luckily I get it the first time.

"The kid?"

"Clueless." His words now clear as his mouth is also clear of meat.

"The plan?"

"moot." I looked at him trying to understand what he said with all the meat in his mouth again. Oh "smooth" I laughed at him on how fast he eats when it comes to meat.

"The meat?" He looked at me questionably then he get it.

"To die for." I laughed as soon as he said it. Typical of Momo when it comes to meat.

"You're in love." I teased him. He just made face then ate some more meat making me laugh.

After the meal we came back to our tent. Momo handed me a glass with a quarter full of wine and then left the tent. I set the glass down on the table on my left. I then took a bottle of wine and put it on the table on my right just beside my glass. After a few minutes the general came with Rowan trailing behind.

"He's here, my Lord." He said as the two of them went on their knee and bowed as soon as they entered the tent.

"Thank you general. You may go." I said to him. He then bowed and left.

"You called for me, my Lord?"

"Yes. get up take a seat." I gestured the chair on my left.

"This is your first battle, right?" I said as I poured wine on my glass.

"Yes, my Lord." He said.

I studied his features. He shows no trace of fear though he seemed nervous. I then drank my wine.

"You must be nervous, being this is your first." I said as I poured wine on the glass on my left.

"I am my Lord." He said.

"This is between us." I said as I gave him the glass. "I don't allow my men to drink before battle. But this might help you to loosen up a little."

"Thank you my Lord." He said drinking it all in one gulp.

"Woah. That is not beer. Clearly you haven't drunk wine."

"Sorry, my Lord. I haven't drank it before... Woah that's strong." He said looking at his glass wide eyed.

I laughed at him. Not sure if he's dumb or just acting innocent. If he is, he's good at it.

"That is not how you drink it. You just need to drink sip by sip to enjoy the taste and for you to last longer too."

I poured him some. "Is it of your taste?"

"Yes, my lord. It taste so good. I bet this is expensive." He took the glass and this time just took a sip. "Woah. You're right. It does taste better better this way."

"Good. Enjoy it for that's your last glass. Now about why I called for you." I said settling down my glass and leaned forward. "You're fast. I need you at the front. Our first strategy is surprise. You're the first move. By nightfall, I want you to creep toward the castle unseen with only 5 men with you. I need your speed to instantly knock out the men guarding the gates before they sound the alarm. Then the others will bound them. After you open the gates you will retreat but make sure nothing will look suspicious. Once our troops reached the gates that's when we attack."

He looked surprised and amazed at the same time.

"Wow. That's how you've won your battles then." he said looking like a kid who just saw something amazing.

"No kid. It changes depending on the defense of the target. We study them first before we attack. Or else we will be the one who'll be surprised, then lose the battle."

"That's really... Really smart." He said as he finished the wine.

"The question is, are you brave enough to do it?" I asked him.

I see him gulped yet he answered; "I will do it my Lord."

"Are you sure you can? Can i trust you with this?"

"You can trust me. it'll be my honor, my Lord." He said confidently yet sloppy clearly he's a bit drunk now.

"Oh my. You look drunk now. You can't go back to your tent looking like that. The boys will not like that." I stood took his glass and put it back on the left table. "You're weaker in this than I thought."

"I'm sorry my Lord. I think I don't have a tolerance in terms of wine. But i love it." He said as he stand and then he walked around. I chuckled as he walked wobbly.

"Stay here you can't be seen at that state. We still have hours before nightfall." I walked to him and pointed him the long chair. "You could lay there for a while. But I need you sober before nightfall."

"Aye, my Lord." He said as he walked towards the long chair and immediately lay down.

"Uhmm... This is comfortable. I like this tent." He said then after a few seconds i heard him snoring.

Well, he does looked like he's really drunk. Maybe he really doesn't drink or the sleeping potion is really powerful. Yet I still need to be cautious cause he's still a spy. He might kill us anytime.

Before I asked for him. Momo took all the parchment related to our plan and hid our weapons.

I had him sedated enough for a day or two. There are two more kingdoms before we reach the Kingdom of Once. He knows we need to attack the first two. But our plan is Momo will lead the attack on the first kingdom. We had them leave the night before to go ahead of us when Rowan was already asleep.

Momo and I carried him secretly toward our food carriage before the men started to clear our tent. Momo had him drink water with another dose of sleeping potion good for another 10 hours.

So he'll be sleeping the entire time we ride towards the next kingdom.
Once he's awake he'll be leading the gate mission. Unknown to him, his kingdom would be next.

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