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Princess Mina.

After eating we decided to go down and look for help so we could find Papa and Sana. We went north from the Mountain of Kion. We walked half of the day. I was tired but doesn't want to stop for he isn't stoping either.

He suddenly made me stop and gestured for me to crouch and be quiet. He then stood and pointed the way. A few minutes after we reached the river. I was about to walk towards it when he suddenly spread his right arm in front of me  making me stop. He looked around first from our side then at the other side of the bank. When all is clear he said to me:

"Keep it low. After drinking come back here." He whispered.

I nodded at him. He put his sword up then gestured for me to go. I crouched and walked slowly towards the bank and drank as much as I can. I then hurriedly went back to him.

I readied my bow and arrow then gestured for him to go. He did the same thing I did. Once he came back we began looking for a tree to spend the night on. We easily found one near the river.

Same as last night, we tied ourselves to the tree and he let me lean on him again. Setting aside how embarrassing our position is, I leaned on him. Since we're both exhausted from all the walking, we slept right away once we're settled.

The next day we were able to reach a small town. Men and women were looking at us as we walked to their town. Chaeyoung asked a man if foreign soldiers came to their town. He replied yes and it caused panic to their small town. Luckily they just went past their town 3 days ago.

Me and Chaeyoung looked at each other. We also asked around if ever they seen Papa and Sana. I described how they looked like and was told they haven't seen them.

He bought us clothes then looked for a place to stay. He let me wash up first and told me he'll be just outside. After washing up and changed my clothes I looked for him so he could do the same. After that he led me somewhere where we could eat. We talked while waiting for our food.

"The Tyrians went past here 3 days ago. So that's before we encountered them at the mountain of Kion." I stated.

"Yes. So that means they didn't care bout the town. They might be headed towards the battle. Surprising us from behind as part of their strategy."

"Why did they attacked us?"

"There's something about your convoy that must've attracted them."

"I guess you're right. We were riding our own horses that time. Of course Papa is recognizable as a king."

"They must be already aware that the kingdoms from the south were already evacuated."

Our conversation were interrupted by the waiter serving our food. I was surprised on how many he ordered.

"We deserve this feast since we've been eating fruits for 2 days."

We ate with gusto and surprisingly we finished it all. We went back at our accommodation. I arrived at our room first since he talked to the host. It just hit me that there were only one bed on our room. When he arrived he was holding an extra blanket. He then went to the foot of the bed and laid down the blanket on the floor and took a pillow. He lay down on half of the blanket while covered himself with the remaining half. I controlled myself to not laugh upon seeing that his blanket didn't cover much of him. I was actually touched how much of a gentleman he is.

I then lay on the bed beneath the blanket. I couldn't see him from my view but I somehow know he's still awake. I then voiced out what I've been thinking since he appeared at the mountain.

"I'm curious, how come you're at the mountain of Kion?"

He didn't answer right away. I thought he was already asleep but then I heard him took a deep breath. I wasn't expecting his answer.

"I went there to look for you." He said softly but I didn't fail to notice how his voice sounded as if he was nervous.

I felt that familiar fluttering on my stomach again knowing that he came looking for me in the brink of war.

"Why were you looking for me? Shouldn't you be leading the battle?"

"I was." He took a deep breath again. "I was there when the battle began."

I suddenly sat furious on why he's here when there's a war somewhere else.

"What!?! Why did you left the battle? I begged you to protect Rowan and you said you will, but how can you do that when you're here!"

He sat slowly and looked at me. I noticed the drastic change in his eyes. It looked so sad. Then it made me realize something.

"No... No! Tell me what I'm thinking is wrong!"

He suddenly stood about to go to me but stopped. "Mina... I..."

"No." Tears started to fall. It can't be... Is he here to tell me something happened to Rowan? I looked at him and I hated his sad eyes.

"I had Rowan assigned as an archer instead of the battle field. But he came to see me and told me to come for you. On a night before we reached the last kingdom for the treaty we were ambushed by foreigners. They use the same red feathered arrows as the Tyrians."

He came closer and sat on the bed facing me.

"I was in the middle of the fight when I saw him. He was badly wounded by an arrow. He even saved me while I was tending to his wound. He shot an arrow on an enemy from behind me." He stopped looking at his hand. " I... I told him I'd get a medic but he won't let me get one. He said that I must come to you immediately that you're in danger and not waste time on him."

He then took my hand and put something on it.

"He asked me to give this to you. To remind you of your promise and that he... he loves you."

When he removed his hand I broke down. It was Rowan's necklace.

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