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No one's POV.

The self proclaimed King Ranu, formerly known as Torton from Aevar, woke up happy on the first day of him being King. His one year plan succeeded. Finally he's a King. Once he hunt down and killed Prince Chaeyoung, he'll be formally be pronounced as the new and only King of Kyria.

He hated the Prince so bad because he ruined his original plan. He's supposed to kill King Jaryu and be hailed as a hero and the new King of Aevar but with Prince Chaeyoung's arrival, the people of Aevar looked up to him.

His second plan was to use Jaryu's plan of invading Kyria secretly. At last he succeeded. Last night was the fulfillment of his dreams. He ate the most delicious meal, treated like a royal, feared by the people and live like how the royals does.

He spent his second day being measured by the tailor for his new clothes. He's currently using King Jihyo's clothes since none from the Prince's wardrobe fits him.

By the afternoon he gathered his troops and gave out their ranks. After that they discussed the next step of their plan. He also ordered the servants to make him a bar on his room and put bottles of mead and wine there.

He went down to have dinner and ate with gusto. Once full he called his right hand man who's now the general of the royal guard.


"Yes, my Lord." Zaku bowed.

King Ranu smiled upon hearing being called my Lord.

"Any news from Miyeon?" He asked. She should have reported now.

"None, my Lord."

"Get me a paper and quill."

He wrote down a letter for Miyeon. Adding some sweet words just to keep her motivated.

"Send this and report to me at once if there's news. If none we'll send tomorrow troops at the last location she sent us." He hate this. He's just using her then dump her once she's no use anymore. He doesn't want to worry for her but the girl is making him worry.

"Any news about the search?"

"None yet my Lord. But I was told this morning a body was found on a storage and three horses were missing from the royal stables."

"Give the search party horses. Keep an eye on the river and the roads. I don't care how long it'll take... months or years. I want them found and dead! But leave that Chaeyoung to me!"

"Yes, my Lord."

"On second thought leave him and his princess alive."

He had thought about it upon seeing the princess before in Aevar that she'll be fit to be his queen.

He then stood and went back to his room. He went straight to his new bar and poured himself a glass of mead. He then took a long gulp of it before refilling it. He walked towards the terrace and admire what he sees.

"My Kingdom, All mine." He said to himself and then laughed.

The next day he called for a general assembly. He went to the castle's terrace and talked to his troops.

He thanked the soldiers for their loyalty and for choosing to stay with him. Though he knew that most of them stayed out of fear.

He let Zaku give them some details of his plan. After he laid out his promises for the soldiers. He stated that once the Prince and Princesses are captured, he'll make sure that every soldier will be rewarded generously. Those from Aevar would be granted to have their family moved to Kyria.

He also announced he'll be renaming himself and the country. He'll be now known as King Ranu, the King of Nazca. He said like the ancient warrior, he is the messenger of God. He said once they follow and worship him, they could enter the gates of heaven.

He also declared that no one in any part of the country will be hungry. That everyone should be treated equal. Everyone should have a house, food and work.

He will make the rules and his words are the law. Whoever obeys him will be rewarded and whoever disobeys him will be treated as a traitor.

Meanwhile at E1...

Tzuyu sent 3 owls out to give instructions to the other emergency areas.

Chaeyoung brought back to the cave a very frightened Miyeon. In turn Miyeon will write a letter to Torton. They received a letter from him asking for her to report. He also left a sweet message to her saying: "...You should write often cause I'm missing you. it's getting lonely being alone here in the castle. I'll see you soon babe..."

Miyeon wrote for them but it was clearly an insincere one. If he reads thay he'll be suspicious.

"We're not fools." Chaeyoung slammed a paper on the table making her jump. It's the letter which came from the owl that Tzuyu shot. "That is not how you write to him. Do it right!"

She rewrite it again. She stated on the letter that they're on the move. That they're destination is to a kingdom where was already evacuated by it's people. It's far from E1. Torton will send troops there which may buy them time to gather as many troops as they can.

He had Miyeon mention that the Prince will hide there for the meantime while they gather more soldiers. She suggested to have Torton sent his troops to surprise the 3 Princes. She also wrote the same sweet message that she wrote from the letter Tzuyu caught. Tzuyu then have the letter sent to Torton.

One by one the owl Tzuyu sent returned except the one from Torton. The letters states how many soldiers were there on each emergency areas. They all agreed to the plan.

As soon as it gets dark, they all moved out of E1. They were guided by those who knows the forest well. When they were near the E3, Tzuyu made the hoot sound of an owl 3 times. When they heard the same sound repeated thrice they were soon greeted by one of the soldiers.

This was the 3rd to the biggest Emergency area they have made. The two biggest were for towns people from nearby kingdoms. 9n the E3, chosen soldiers from different kingdoms were sent here.

This was part of the plan of King Jihyo and his sons. They come up with this after the war.

They were now wearing all black gears. The brothers didn't waste time they huddled right away for their strategies.

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