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Prince Chaeyoung.

We successful got inside our kingdom's grounds by the west. The kingdom is quiet and as per Tzuyu, who's standing at an elder tree watching us, the grounds are clear.

I led my men to walk along the side of the west wall towards the castle. When we reached the side of the castle, I set aside some vines on the castle wall and soon found the hidden door. This is the secret passageway that we taught to Lady Jyung.

I ushered the men to follow me. The passageway led to a staircase which is two storeys down. I went down and reached a large open room. I told the men to give Tzuyu the signal for the next batch to follow us. Momo led the next batch and they all now crammed to the open room. We all found our spots for we'll spend the night there. Tzuyu and the archers, who's by now were spread around the castle, will spend the night at the trees.

The next day...

A soldier, who's stationed by the hidden door by the side of the castle, woke me up.

"My Lord, a message from Prince Tzuyu." He said handing me an arrow with a paper binded on it. I took it and read it. "The troops have just departed. Message me where you want me."

I turned a candle holder to the right which opens the next door. I gave a signal to Momo, who also turned a candle holder on the other side of the room. I nodded at him we both pulled the nearest bookshelf. I pulled the one on the right while Momo pulled the one on the left. This leads to other secret passageways. A soldier handed me and Momo torches. I then ushered my men to follow me and went in, while Momo was followed by his men.

We reached the end of the passageway I pulled a rope which is camouflaged at the side of the wall. Once pulled it a ladder appeared. Once we all have climbed, I pulled another rope and we climbed another ladder.

By now we're the same level as the ground. We then turned at the first right then stopped by the first door. I passed the torch to the soldier behind me who walked ahead of me til he reached another corner. He moved the torch towards his side making it disappear out of our view. As soon as it became dark, I slightly opened the door very carefully.

I peek through it and saw the room was empty. It was the ball room. I ushered some of the men to get in. When they locked all the doors and hid behind the tall curtains of the ball room windows, I closed the hidden door and walked towards the soldier with the torch. He walked ahead and after we passed 3 doors, I stopped on the 4th and signaled the soldier with the torch to walk ahead. He did the same thing, to make the torch's light disappear.

I slightly opened the door it was the kitchen. I saw two women, who's back was on me, sitting by a huge desk while peeling potatoes.

They were talking mostly complaining on how they continuously cook. I recognized the voice of one them. I then made the hooting sound of an owl three times which made both women to look around.

One of them said: "your highness?"

I then whispered, making sure that only they could hear me. "Greta, behind you"

The woman turned and pretended to look for something in the cupboard, the hidden door was beside it.

"It's me, Chaeyoung.." I whispered.

"Uh! My Prince. I'm so glad to hear from you!" She whispered back enthusiastically. She then looked worried. "Please tell me you saw Lady Jyung and the rest. It was too late for me to enter, so I just closed it. If I didn't we'll all be caught."

"I'm glad that you're okay. Lady Jyung is safe, don't worry. I appreciate what you did, you helped them escape. Where is the devil?"

"At King Jihyo's room, your highness. He just drank a remedy for hangover. He's probably knocked out cold by now."

"Do you know how many soldiers left?"

"One of the staff said it's not much your highness. They're probably just two dozen left. Most of them are stationed at the gate and all the entrances to the castle."

"Didn't see some on the west."

"Probably sleeping too, they had a feast last night you see. Every soldier drank. We were all tired from cooking so many varieties."

"I see. Thanks. When you hear the hooting again it's either me or my men. Okay?"

"Yes your Majesty. Would you and your men like some food? We could prepare some sandwiches and some juice real quick."

"That would be lovely. Perhaps later once we took over the castle again."

"Well then, I would be glad to prepare a feast, your highness. Anything we could do to help?"

"No. I don't want anything to happen to you lot. Just stay in the kitchen. Just direct all the servants to stay here as well."

"Right away, your highness. May the heavens protect you, your brothers and your men."

"Thank you. See you later."

I instructed the soldier behind me to go back and informed Tzuyu about the remaining soldiers and where his position would be. I then walked ahead and took the torch. I looked back and made sure some of the men were still by the kitchen door. I then turned left and then reached up and pulled the rope for the hidden stairs. I climbed it and open the door. We landed on the second floor.

I walked towards the center and then  opened a door on the right and when I saw it's empty, I directed half of the men in. I checked the door on the left, once it's also clear I directed the remaining men inside. They already knew what to do after that.

I then walked ahead alone and when I reached the end, I pulled the hidden stairs again. On the 3rd floor I walked towards the center and I took a turn on the right. I was careful to slightly open the 1st door on the right which was my room. There was a man sleeping on the bed.

I quickly bolted out of the door and quickly sat on top of the man pinning his arms. He woke startled. As soon as his eyes flew open wide I punched him hard on the face and he was instantly knocked out.

I then tied a cloth on his mouth, tied a rope to his hands and feet and then tied him by the poster of the bed. I then walked towards the door and silently opened it. I peek on the hallway which was empty on both ends. I then walked back towards the hidden door. I took a look at the man first and thought this man might be Torton's right hand for him to sleep here. I then closed the hidden door.

I proceeded on the next door which is my father's room. I drew my sword and then carefully opened it. There he was sleeping like a log. My blood started to boil as I can feel my anger rising. How dare he to sleep on my father's bed! I could quickly kill him here with just one arrow to his head.

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