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Prince Chaeyoung.

After getting dressed, I met up with my brothers by the castle doors. As the door opened there were our father's funeral carriage waiting for us. We mounted our horses and started the funeral procession. Six soldiers in their horses marched at the front followed by me and my brothers then my father's carriage. Behind was a see through carriage where Princess Mina and Sana along with Dahyun were sitting.

We marched around the town and each street we passed the people were throwing flowers while crying. He was loved by many specially when he assumed grandfather's place when he became ill. All the bad memories of my grandfather's reign was covered by my father's humility and great leadership.

One elderly kneeled as we passed. He was crying while still kneeling on the ground. I quickly unmounted and went over to him.

"Old man, my father would be devastated seeing how much you cry for him."

"I will apologize to him, your highness. But I can't help it. He's the reason why I'm still alive. He pardoned me when I was wrongly accused. I was about to be beheaded in his father's orders but he stopped and demanded a fair judgement. If I could take his place and die instead of him..."

"No old man. Though it is painful when he died, but he won't allow you to take his place. Rise old man. His passing has a purpose, the heavens will make sure of that." I help him stand.

The old man rose and look at me. "The King raised you well. I see much of him in you with the beauty of the late Queen. You'll be as fine of a King as your father. It's all written by the heavens."

I smiled at him and led him back to where the others were. I went back to my horse and mount. It took us 5 hours to go around the kingdom. We came back to the castle for the funeral attended by family and close friends.

Tzuyu and Momo gave their speech. After Momo he gave me the floor.

"I stand in front of you as a son who lost his father, a citizen who lost his great king and a man who lost his hero. Like Tzuyu and Momo said, as a father he is a disciplinarian yet gentle. He was tough yet compassionate. He was ruthless to enemies yet generous to his people. He started what we now all enjoy... freedom. He freed the people from the unfair treatment under his father. He freed the country from being conquered by his father. And when he ascend to the throne, all he wanted was peace. It's not just for our kingdom, but also for the country. He loved us all as if all of us are his children. Humility, Love and Peace... That's what he taught me and my brothers. Now that he parted this earth... We all know that the heavens will welcome him with open arms. He might have left us, but his legacy would forever be remembered."

The crowd clapped and all bowed as the priest gave the last rites. His coffin was then led to the castle's cemetery and buried there.

We all went back to the castle. We washed up and changed clothes before going to dinner.

We were all quiet at dinner. After eating, it was Momo who broke down the silence.

"Now that we have father buried, we're off to prepare as early as now for the special event." He said looking at me then to Tzuyu.

A special event? I was confused on what he's saying.

"Right. Both of us should see to it. We'll ask for your input or opinions of course... I was thinking..."

Wait... What is it they're not telling me.

"Wait! What are you two talking about?"

"Your highness, King Myun, Mina and Sana should be here. We'll keep you updated..."

"What is this? Why am I not aware of this?" I demanded. I'm now starting to get annoyed.

"You really have no idea what we're talking about?" Momo asked.

"Do I look like I am?"

"Calm down brother, we're talking about your coronation. It's about time to take your rightful place." Tzuyu said.

Realization hits me. I haven't thought about that even for a second. My coronation? I will soon be King of the kingdom of Twice. Just by thinking of it, the weight of that title already felt heavy.

"And he's just realized it by now. I'm sure his coronation didn't even crossed his mind. If you have no intention of taking the throne..." He then hit his chest with his hand. "The spare is here to take over for you."

We laughed at him.

"Oh shut it Momo. I won't let you ascend the throne. No one is more deserving than him..." Tzuyu said. He then faced Momo. "No offense though"

"None taken cause I have no intention to do so. I do agree, It's his rightful place. He's destined to rule. He already did wonders as a Prince what more now that he'll be a King."

"I... It didn't cross my mind, honestly. I... Really? I'd be a King?"

They laughed at me with Momo being the loudest, as usual. I then felt a hand on mine.

"Yes, my Love. You'll be a King."

"Being the eldest son of a King, the heir to the throne would be the next King... surely you know that right." Momo said while wiping the tears in his eyes caused by laughing too much.

"I do know that.. but when the time comes that I really have to take over... It's... Overwhelming... The responsibility... The expectations..."

"The trust everyone has on you should lessen your burden. Yes, it is a great responsibility, but for us you've been dealing with that responsibility most of your life from the moment father let you take over to lead the missions." Tzuyu said.

"You've even took responsibility over Kyria, even Aevar even though it's not your duty yet you still helped them." Momo added.

They do have a point.

"If I may say so..." King Myun said. "You, as a Prince, have already done what a King would've done for his kingdom. You even exceeded for what you did for Aevar and Kyria. The people have never expected anything from you... Cause they already knew you can do anything as soon as you put your mind on it. You've even outdone me and other Kings. So fear not my son, for you are born to be a King."

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