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Princess Mina.

It's amusing how Papa is crying now just because we're grown up and have someone we love. Yet he looks so adorable.

It was time to say goodbye to Chae. The moment I hated the most. But he needs to go home. His responsibility is waiting for him on his kingdom.

I tried not to cry, yet I couldn't control it. I cried when I was saying goodbye but I cried harder when he left.

The following days I tried so hard to keep myself busy. I write to him once or twice a day. Yet it's still doesn't fill the empty space I feel.

Five days after they left, we were having dinner. While we were eating I noticed Papa was watching us.

"Papa? Why aren't you eating."

"I see in your eyes how sad you've both become. Even the staff and our people noticed it too." He sighed.

"Gone were the days that new books make you smile." He said to me. He then turned to Sana. "And taking you with me to visit the town makes you excited."

"Papa, I am still excited..."

"Yes, but not the same as before. You both have grown into a respectable lovable and gorgeous Princess that now has fallen in love with handsome Princes. Young lads who now holds your happiness. Seeing you both sad also saddens me. I'll do anything for those smiles to come back. That's why I decided to accept King Jihyo's invitation for his birthday celebration next week."

Me and Sana looked at each other utterly surprised. Sana squealed and ran towards Papa. I laughed at her excitement. I then joined them and hugged them both.

"That was a long speech Papa." Sana said.

"Don't get us wrong Papa, we're happy specially we're with you and the people. That everything's doing well in our kingdom."

"It's just we don't see them often. We've been with them for a short period of time which made us even miss them more." Sana added.

"I understand. I know for a fact that absence makes the love gets stronger." He then looked at both of us. "I'm just not used to seeing you both sad at the same time. Forgive this old man who sometimes forgets you're no longer kids."

"Nonsense. We're still your little girls." I said hugging him again.

That made him smile widely. He hugged us both tighter.

"Papa??" Sana asked looking curiously at him.

"Yes, little one?" Papa said, making us smile as that's what he call Sana when we were kids.

"Did you mean it when you said we'll attend King Jihyo's celebration?"

"Of course I do. I already scheduled the tailor tomorrow to create your gowns."

Sana squealed and hugged Papa again. "Thank you Papa."

A week after...

We arrived at the Kingdom of Twice on the day of the celebration. With the instructions of King Jihyo we were hid by some of the soldiers inside the castle.

We insisted to use only one room for us to rest. We let Papa use the bed and me and Sana on each sofa.

We don't have much time anyways for we'll have to get ready.

A few hours later we were all dressed. A soldier came to our room and escorted us out of the room towards the castle grounds. We were holding a mask to hide so no one could recognize us while we haven't revealed ourselves yet.

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