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“I guess my boobs have grown bigger during the spring break.” I blurted out, looking at my reflection in the mirror.

Selena; my best friend shifted her eyes at me and then shrugged. “Say thanks to chocolate pastries and pringles.”

“What do you think, Xav?” I turn to my other best friend. “Am I turning sexier?”

He gave me a pocket face. “For Christ's sake Ayla, I'm not a girl. You shouldn't be sharing such details with me.”

“Says the guy who couldn't zip up about his sex life.” I laughed.

“You two, don't start again. Let's head to the classroom. I don't want to be late on the first day of semester.” Selena grabbed both me and Xavier by our arms and pulled us out of the room.

We had a sleepover last night at my house since my parents were out of the town and I didn't want to sleep alone.

Whole vacation we had fun and now finally the school's re-opened. I'm still not over the fact that I used to wake up in noon and now I'm back to my old schedule with the classes that begins at eight in the morning.

I clicked my tongue and smoothen my skirt. Oh, I forgot to mention that now we've to wear school uniforms. Crisp white shirt, black plated skirt and beige blazer along with the black neck tie.
This is such hassle. I've never wore a uniform before in my whole eighteen years of existence.

Quickly, pulling my hair in a lose pony, I slipped into my favourite pair of white shoes.

Selena and Xavier are already dressed and seeing how Xavier looks pissed at his neck tie, I couldn't help but feel relieved to know that I'm not the only one who despise this new arrangement of clothing rules.

Selena drove us to school and as soon as she parked the car, Xavier jumps out of it. “See you guys at the lunch.”

I waved at Selena and walked away. Though we don't share the same classes, we hang out together always. We've been best friends since middle school and pretty much they're my favourite person.

It was pretty much all same and boring until the recess. We all sat at our regular table.

“Xavier, will you be free after school?” I asked.


“I need to practice, you know right.”

“Sure.” He smiled.

“Guys look here. I got an exclusive picture of Axel Gray in the WhatsApp group.” Selena almost screamed on top of her lungs.

She put her phone on the table for me and Xavier to see.

I arched up my eyebrows in excitement and looked in her phone.

He wore black hoodie over the school uniform with earphones plugged into his ears as he was looking outside the window from the class. I zoomed on his face a little and saw his brown hair scattered over his forehead which obviously had a bandage. Like always.

The side profile of his face. Subtle jawline, blue eyes, chiseled cheeks, plum lips though it was bruised.

And here I was talking about Axel Gray. The guy for whom almost half of the  female population of our high school are crazy. Well, who can blame them? Axel's hot. 

He got this bad boy style around him that makes him even more attractive.

“Forward this to me.” I said, grinning.

“Seriously? The guy's fucked up. I don't know what you all see in him? He's always covered in bruises and don't let me start about his nasty personality.” He rolled his eyes, popping up his coke.

“Honestly, I never thought of him romantically. He's hot, that's it.” I replied, taking the sip from his coke. And I'm very well aware that he's dangerous.

“Oh, come on, Ayla. You got to be shitting me.” She made a face at me. “We need to find you a boyfriend.”

“I have crush on someone.”

“Yeah, just a nameless Indian guy you saw in your distant cousin's wedding.” Xavier laughed.

“Shut up. If I find him then it's over for you all.” I stuck my tongue out.

“On a serious note, would you really prefer someone of your ethnicity?”

I shook my head at her question. “Nope but you know there's something special about brown guys. You won't understand.” And besides my relatives are always ready to set me up with someone. So it's a bonus. I'll never die single.

“And that's why you had crush on Zeeshan?” She asked, getting interested.

“Kind of. He shared his playlist with me of Bollywood's song. I was totally whipped with his taste in songs.”

“But he's from Pakistan.”

I almost laughed at Xavier's statement. “Yeah, but he's still brown.”

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