f o u r t y - s e v e n

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"Maybe, I can..uh, you know." She shuttered, her cheeks tinting red.

I raised my brows. "You what?" My pulse throbbing through my heart, not wanting to let go of her body. Her breasts bounced a little, when she shifted in my lap and the way her already tighten nipples teased me to taste them again, to devour them till my tongue learns the taste of every inch of her body.

Fucking Christ. I can't stop myself, the thoughts of entering into her and feeling the leap of eternity is so much consuming.

"Let me pleasure you, Axel." She whispered, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear shyly.

My breath caught up in my throat and I quickly shook my head. "No, my queen doesn't need to bend." And even though I said those words out loud, the very thought of it made my dick whimpering for her wet mouth wrapped around it.

"Your queen badly wants to pleasure her king, Axel." She winked, trying to act fierce but the way her eyelashes drop and a huge redness crept upto her cheeks, I took my full attention to enjoy her flushed state.

My beautiful Ayla.

She gets off my lap and kneeled down on the floor infront of me. My lips twitched in foreign feelings. With sweaty fingers, she unzipped my pants and the second her soft skin touched my cock, my nerves jolted with pleasure. Her gaze flickered over it and a knowing smile spreads across her face. I know what was coming, a sarcastic humour but then instead of saying it, she bend her head low to place a wet kiss on the tip of my cock.

I held my breath and it felt like the whole world will collapse when she took the whole of the length into her mouth and slowly started bobbing her head back and forth. I moaned in pleasure and threw my head back to rest it against the couch.

Goosebumps ripples over my skin when she glide her tongue along it and my mind became numb. Should I tell her that it's my first time? That I never had this kind of pleasure before? That when I saw all thin in porn, it seemed wildest dream to me? Should I tell her that it's only her that can make this pleasurable? Should I tell her that there won't be any woman beside her to touch me this intimately?

Unknowingly I placed my palms on the nape of her neck and let her do the job of sending me off on the cliff.

My body shivered when a bound of pleasure hit me but before that could happen, I pulled my cock out and let it release the cum all over her naked breast.

Her nipples glistened with the warm cum and when my eyes fell on her face, her lipgloss smeared, tears filled in her eyelids, her breath running a little faster. I leaned forward to smear her lipgloss with my thumb, her mouth parting as she closes her eyes and visibly shivered.

God. Fucking God. She looks absolutely lovely.

Without wasting any other second, I captured her mouth with a devouring kiss. Her strawberry lipgloss. Fuck my sanity. Fuck my sanity, Ayla.

Her sweet taste drifted into my mouth, her hands fisting my shirt as she kissed me back with same igniting passion and lust.

"Now get on your all fours, sweetheart." I said, breaking apart from the kiss.

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