t h i r t y - s e v e n

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I knitted my brows in confusion. "What?"

"It's nothing. Never mind." He shrugged.

"No. Tell me." I said.

"Later. You see, I don't want to die starving. Food poisoning is fine with me." He turned back to chopping veggies.

"Step aside, I'll do it." I said, understanding that he doesn't want to talk about it now. And I'm not going to force him, not after he shared a part of his childhood with me. One step at a time. Yes, one step at a time.

He didn't move an inch from his place. He kept on chopping veggies, or doing random things like washing cooking pan, grinding the spices and so on while I started knitting the dough.

"Oh, that smells cool." Nate shouted from the hall and I chuckled. Off course. Indian food always slaps harder.

"What are you cooking?" Axel asked, looking at me curiously while I knit the dough.

"My food." I grinned.

"Do you cook often?"

"No. It's been couple of years." I replied.

He nodded. "You became a doctor. I'm proud of you." He added with a soft smile.

My heart crashed and for a second I debated that weather I should tell him or not about why I chose to become the doctor? But he said that he's proud of me. Will my confession made him regret his words?

"I studied to keep myself occupied." So that I keep you away from my mind. I shrugged, trying to act cool about it. "Though I wasn't a meritorious student, I guess I somehow managed to pull it off."

"You always seemed bright. This doesn't come suprise to me that you're doing good in your life." He said.

But you, Axel? I've always wanted you to do good in your life too. Anything but all this violence and blood around you.

Next, we both stayed quite. He sat on the counter and looked everywhere in fascination while I cooked the food. Correction, I tried to cook the food.

I licked my lips and quickly take out the phone from my pocket. Tapping on the YouTube icon, I tried to learn and remember what my mother taught me during all those long summer noons but alas, my memories!

“Something's wrong?” He asked.

“Yeah. Trouble in paradise.” I laughed, nervously.

“Pass me the phone. I might not be as good as you but I can try.” He took the phone from my hand and watched couple of videos.

My cheeks heated up in embarrassment.

“Why don't you go and talk to Nate? Leave all this to me.” He winked.

He winked. He freaking winked.

I smiled. Maybe, it's okay. However embarassing it may be, if he's indulging himself into any time consuming activity then it's okay. His mind will be off from all the horrible things that he imagines like feeding a person's flesh to animals.

I shivered internally at my thought but quickly shrugged it off. “You sure that you don't need my help?”

He shook his head.

“Okay then.” I waved at him, awkwardly and quickly rushed out of the kitchen.

Once I was alone, I rested my head against the wall and put my hands on my chest. The insane beating of my heart felt strangely comforting. Axel Gray winked at me. It took me back to the days when we first met. I was young and naive. It was biggest flex of my life when he talked to me for the very first time. He was hot and dangerously attractive. Every single girl had a good girl complex for him. The hottest bad boy will be good only to them. And I'd be lying if I say that I wasn't one of them.

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