t w e n t y - e i g h t

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I parted my eyelids as the sunlight peeked through the window. Rubbing my eyes, I yawned and pulled the comforter over me to block the light and go back to sleep.

"Happy birthday, Ayla." A familiar voice whispered near my ear and I smiled.

"Thank you." I mumbled. "But let me sleep some more, please."

"I brought muffins from your favorite bakery." He said and that was enough for me to get up from the bed.

I grabbed my hair in a messy bun and wrapped my arms around him. The strong scent of his cologne hit me and I groaned. "I hate this scent."

"That's why I put it always on me, babe." He laughed.

I rolled my eyes and excitedly looked at the breakfast tray on the bed. Orange juice, tuna sandwich, and cheese muffins.

I took the muffins but when I saw chopped strawberries on it, I bite on my lips and silently, put aside all the strawberries on the tray.

"Don't you like strawberries?" He asked.

"No." I replied and took a bite of the muffin. "It's good."

"Selena had planned something for you and I'm not invited?" He asked.

"Because Selena clearly told me that boyfriends are not allowed." I chuckled.

He made a face. "Fine but you're coming with me for lunch, right?"


"Alright." He leaned to press a kiss against my lips. "I'm getting late for the meeting, I'll see you in the noon." He added.

I nodded, waving him goodbye.

Once we went away, I get up and decided to take a bath and freshen up. I've to go to college and then on a lunch date with him. And then, at night to some club about which Selena had made some plans. Xavier will kill me if he gets to know that she's going to the club again with me.

The last time we went, she ended up puking over the guy who flirted with her. It was total chaos since she was all drunk and God, she created a situation that we were thrown out of the club.

I rubbed my face to get out of the sleep. I couldn't get proper sleep. At twelve in the night, Mum and Dad did a video call to wish me and then Xavier called me and talked for hours.

"You look beautiful." Tyler said once I joined him for lunch in some fancy eatery. I looked around in a daze at such a classy place.

"Thank you." I smiled, sitting across the table.

He snapped his finger and the waiter came to take the order. I rolled my eyes, such a show off he is. "I know you own millions in your account, Tyler. No need to flaunt it."

He chuckled, lazily shrugging his shoulders. "It's my girlfriend's birthday. Off course, I'd flaunt it."

"You could've bought me another muffin like the morning, that'd be enough," I whispered, scanning through the menu.

"Most expensive wine please for this lovely lady." He told the waiter, winking at me.

I ignored him and ordered the food. He's the heir of one of the biggest diamond jewelry-making companies in the country. I know that he's rich. Correction, insanely rich and the CEO of his company but I honestly don't like him spending money on me.

He's indeed a perfect man. We've been dating now for more than a year after he persuaded me for almost a couple of years. I like him, he's nice. After high school ended, he became my good friend. I wasn't ready to date anyone. I don't even get a day for myself due to my hectic schedule but he was always there for me. He told me that he was interested in me ever since we first met on a blind date back in my high school days. I don't know how many times I've rejected his proposals but then Selena and Xavier told me that I need to move on with my life. At one point, I'm going to get into a relationship, why not now? Why not with the man who is already into me? So, I said yes to him.

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