t w e n t y - s e v e n

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"This motherfucker said to me that you'll let me go if I tell you the truth." The man with two golden teeth and broken nose spoke, spitting the blood and saliva out of his mouth.

I tried to process exactly what he was saying, to focus the way his eyes were silently praying to me and to keep my gaze away from the pigeon which was ticking the frustration in me. The flapping sound of it's feature drumming inside my head and it's feet giving me weird ideas to what can I do to shut it up.

I shifted focus back to the man who was now staring at the ceiling, trying to communicate about something but it was clearly not working. My mind was not working.

"Where were we again?" I asked, rubbing my temple.

"He sneaked out information about the drug cartel, boss." Nate, the guy holding blade to his knife said.

I nodded.

Nate pressed the blade a little to his flesh and the gold teethed man whimpered in pain. Fresh blood oozes out and he was mere minutes away from losing his consciousness.

"Do you like eating raw pigeon?" I asked, staring back to the bird. "Alive?"

The man's eyes widened in suprise. He blinked thrice before nodding his head.

A smirk appeared on my face. He knows. He knows exactly what I'm upto.

"Untie him." I told, Nate who did the same without wasting any other second.

He stood up and and launched himself to the pigeon but his luck wasn't favourable. The bird fly leaving him scream in desperation.

"Out." I commanded and everybody except Nate left.

Exhaling a breath, I stood up from the chair and grabbed him by his neck, pressing my thumb to the point where his flesh was slightly sliced. He winced, forcing his eyes to be fixed on the ground.

Come on, look at me. Look me in the eyes, show me that you've will to defy me when death is on your door. But he didn't, he didn't because I hate when people look back straight into me eyes. It fuels my vien to rip their heart out and keep it safe as a reminder that no one can control me now.

"Please, let me go, Boss. I swear I'll never betray you again. I'll go far away from here but just don't kill me." He cried, clenching his fist together in agony.

Clearly, I wasn't enjoying. It wasn't my definition of fun. Taking someone's life is so mundane. It would've been nice if he ate the breathing pigeon and with every amount of raw flesh in his mouth there would be equal amount of flesh slicing away from his neck till every single blood oozes out of his veins and he lay down in the ground lifeless with his mouth stuffed with bird's flesh.

I clenched my eyes shut and shook my head to earse that weird thought out of my mind. Instead of wasting another second, I shoved him to Nate who started doing his work.

Walking out of the room, I climbed the stairs as the sound of his fading scream echoed into my ear. Washing the blood from my hand under the tap and catching a glimpse of my face in the mirror, I caught a subsiding feeling in my chest.

What's happening to my sanity? Last week, I asked someone to eat his own thumb just because he was tapping it and my brain was unable to push away that minute sound. It was as if, the sound was inflicting every corner of my mind.

And the headache. The constant fucking headache is making the situation worse.

I rested my head against the mirror and stared at myself. Pathetic. Fucked up. Dangerous. Cruel. Emotionless. Beast. Scary. Bastard. Monster.

A throaty laugh bubbled up through my chest and I couldn't help but bang my head against the mirror. Once. Twice. Thrice. Several times till it started bleeding profusely and yet after this, it didn't. It didn't stop hurting. Something in my chest, aching in undeniable pain and an odd yet tempting need to hurt something or somebody. Maybe kill the pigeon by myself or even better cut a person's chest slice by slice till the heart pops out and then feeding the heart to the vultures. It would be passionate to witness an existence ceasing into food of birds.

Or maybe I can drain the life out of human by stabbing them multiple times till I can see their heart. It will relieve me. Heart of dying person tempts me. It makes me feel better. I can just squeeze the heart and gift it to their family framed in a formaldehyde with the time of their death mentioned on the frame. The family would cry, curse the person who killed their loved ones, call police for help to find the culprit or most probably find the body of the deceased. But by then, the body would be long gone. Vultures would be feeding on it and me? Well, I'll be draining someone's else blood yet no one would be able to catch me. I'd wipe out the humanity if that what it takes for me to not go back to the jail.

"Boss?" A hand touched my shoulder and the familiar voice made me slip back to the reality.

I turned around to see Nate scanning the situation. I can almost see the worry lines wrinkles around his eyebrows. "I'm losing my mind, Nate." I chuckled, wiping the blood from my forehead.

He didn't say anything. He just took out a piece of paper from his pocket and handed it to me. Realising what the paper carries, I almost whispered a thankyou to the sixteen years old boy infront of me but swallowing my words down, I gestured him to leave.

I hastily opened the paper and the read it once again for uncountable number of times. The letter. Only thing that's keeping me sane since last ten years.


The hero of my story and the guy who danced with me.

I don't know where to start. After you left, I decided to tell you about what I feel for you. So, I'm writing this letter to you. I'm an old-school soul, you see. I grew up listening to old Bollywood melodies with my Dad and the way they describe romances in those songs, I literally live for them.

And when I first met you, I knew that my heart will someday beat for you. Told you, I'm a hopeless romantic. But it was different with you. I saw darkness in you, your pain, your anger, your frustration, your sadness. I saw it all in you and maybe it was out of pity. Maybe my heart beats for you because I feel sympathy for you.

I don't know about it all. But I like you. I like you, Axel Gray.

I want to graduate high school with you, I want to attend college with you, I want to go back to the carnival with you and this time kiss you under the fireworks, I want to dance with you to the Hindi song, I want to share ice cream with you on a winter night, I want to do all the things in the world but most of all I want to make you believe that I like you from the bottom of my heart.

If I'll tell you that I like you, you'll believe me, right?


Hey everyone! I don't know from where to start. I know you all had alot of expectations from this story and I ruined it all by ghosting Wattpad for couple of months.
I had my exams and I swear, I didn't get time. Now that I'm finally free, I'll try to update on regular basis.

Also, the story moved on to ten years. Lot's of twist and love is going to come soon.

Do comment about the chapter.

Thankyou <3

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