t h i r t y - s i x

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"My mother was a lovely woman. She fell in love with that Bastard when she was young. At first, she loved him willingly but then she was forced to choose him. I was born in a dungeon. A dungeon that my father created for my mother so as to keep her with him till the day she dies. I remember the very first thing from that place was nothing but darkness. He locked her there with chains. I stayed there until I was twelve. I never knew that there exists a world outside of the dungeon. That darkness was my world for so long that sometimes even now I feel like I'm still trapped into that dungeon, locked with chains and thrown on the cold floor. My mother never talked to me, she hated me because if it was not me then she could've bargained her freedom. When she became pregnant, that filth gave him option to either abort me or stay at his mercy. Guess what she did, she decide to keep me and give up on her life."

"She despised me and occasionally told me that I was a curse to her. My father came to us every night and made me study. And after that, infront of my own eyes, he would force himself on my mother. She would scream, cry in pain but he didn't stop. He never stopped. He would abuse her physically and sexually till she almost passes out from pain. And I was forced to witness everything. I would close my eyes and turn my face around but her screams haunts me till now."

"And whenever he got drunk, he would come to me and beat me to pulp, demanding that if I even let out a single noise, he would kill my mother. So I stayed silent. I stayed in the same position even hours later after he left us because I was too scared. I was too scared that what If turn around to see my mother and find her already dead?"

"And other times, when my mother had too much, she would walk to me and spit on me in disgust. She would slap me and tell to die. But instead I was happy whenever she did that because atleast she shared a word with me even if it was full of hatred."

"I felt nothing there but she did. She did feel the worst kind of pain. Getting raped by your own husband infront of your child, isn't something normal, right? But that motherfucker made it look normal. He would tell me that it's how this world works. That if your marry a girl, her body and soul both belongs to you. He said to me that someday I'm going to understand that he wasn't wrong instead my mother deserved it. If she aborted me then she would've been his whore instead of his wife. And then she would've lived in a luxury hotel instead of the dungeon."

"And you know, Ayla? Why I'm more despicable creature than him? Because I believed him. I believed that if my mother was his whore then she would've lived in less pain. And one day, I finally spoke to my mother. I spoke to her after twelve long years. She was crying and I crawled to her with chains attached on my body. And you know what I said? I said to her that she should've been my father's whore. And that was it. She looked at me with so much hatred and then started laughing. She laughed until she saw me getting scared of her. She stood up and took out a bottle of pills. She came to me and forced me to swallow down those pills before stuffing her own mouth with it. She lay her head on my lap and for the first time, she looked at me with adoration. She smiled at me and ruffled my hair before whispering that I look so much like him; like my father."

"At that moment, I was so happy, Ayla. I was so happy that I started vomiting. Soon, her eyes started closing and before drifting into endless sleep, she told me that she's doing this because she doesn't want to leave me with that monster. And then everything turned dark."

"Next, when I woke up. I was in a strange place. Everything was bright and different. I was told that I was in the hospital. When I got better, I was enrolled in a school, I was tutored by my father's servants about the new world. Technologies, games, books, sunlight, everything was new and exciting. I would never forgive myself for forgetting my own mother for all those materialistic things. After few years I get to know that she's in coma and my father was about to give up on her. So, I left his house and ran away from him. After doing all the odd works, I collected enough money to take my mother with me too. I admitted to her the new hospital and enrolled myself in our highschool. I started underground fighting and did multiple part time jobs to earn the money for hospital bills."

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