s i x t e e n

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I don't know why but I like this. I like myself around Ayla. She makes everything bright and beautiful. She makes me feel things that I've never felt before. She makes me happy.

She told me that she wasn't scared of me even after she saw my unmasked face in that pathetic ring. I'm embarrassed about it but now that she had kissed me, she kissed me, I'm nothing but content.

If given a chance, I doubt that I'd have ever told her about the underground fighting because it's disturbing to even think that the girl who likes fireworks and cotton candies will be horrified to see blood and brutality.

She told me to meet in front of the main gate after the school's end. And I'm waiting for her. The other students walked past by me, not missing a chance to stare at me. I was never a fan of attention and it's fucking annoying to see bunch of hormonal girls looking at me.

I leaned against the wall and saw Ayla walking with some girl. She smiles brightly at me and blushes when her friend or whoever that girl was said something to her.

“Uh, hey.” She waved at me once she was near me. “My best friend; Selena.” She introduced me to her.

The girl grinned. “Man, you look ten times sexier from this close.” And then she turns her head to Ayla. “Lucky, bitch.”

“Selena, stop.” Ayla pinched her shoulders. “Don't forget to tell Mum that I'm at your place.” She added.

“Why? Where the fuck are you going?” Out of nowhere, a familiar guy walks and narrows his eyes.

Ayla licked her lips and then she wonders something for a moment before replying to him. “To hell, wanna accompany me, Xav?”

I blinked, once again looking between them and that's when it hit me that he's the same boy for whom she was cheering in the football playground.

Something twisted in my stomach but I swallowed that emotion and tried to block their conversation from my mind.

“Whatever dude, just be safe.” He whispered and then after pressing a kiss to her forehead, he walks away.

After bidding goodbye to her friend, she shifted her attention on me. “I'm sorry, Selena's little chirpy today.”

I nodded.


“What is this place?” She asked.

“I live here.” I replied, once we reached on the rooftop.

She looked around and then smiled, brightly. “Wow, this is so perfect.”

“What's perfect about it?” I asked, not wanting to sound bitter but it just slipped from my tongue. This place is not a home. Just a small room on the rooftop.

“Open sky.” She shrugged. “I can literally die just to sleep under the sky every night.”


She sat on the chair and crossed her legs, her head slightly leaning back as she looks up at the sky. The sun was about to settle down and the birds were chirping. I stood at my place and just looked at her and finally not being able to stop myself, I asked. “Why are you with me?”

“Huh?” She averted her gaze to me in confusion.

“That guy earlier who kissed your forehead, he's your boyfriend, ain't he?” I asked, the sentence tasting poisonous to my tongue. My throat went dry in anticipation about what she's going to say next.

She bite her lower lips and then stood up only to come and stood in front of me. She undid her hair and took my hand only to slid up her black hair tie around my wrist. “Are you jealous?” She asked, wriggling her brows.

My eyes fell on her hair tie around my wrist and I ended up nodding my head.

She gets on her tip toe and placed a soft lingering kiss on my cheeks. “Xavier is my best friend. We've pretty much grown up together and I never had a boyfriend but right now I'm crushing on this hot, bad boy who makes my heart flutter.”

And it was my heart's chance to flutter.

A weird relief passed down to my chest after hearing that she doesn't have any boyfriend.

“Thank you.” I whispered.

“For what?”

For having crush on me. “For this.” I pointed towards her hair tie that she gave me.

“So, for how long are you going to keep it?” She asked, her voice full of humour.

“As long as you want me to.” I answered.
Forever. I'm going to keep it forever, Ayla.

I know we both were talking about something else. It wasn't just about the tie. At least not for me.

We sat next to each other on the floor, our shoulders brushing and she looked up at the sky and I looked at her.

“Tell me something about your mother.” She said.

“She's awake but I don't want to meet her.” I looked away from her, now at the sky.

I sensed her staring at me. “May I know why?”

“She has amnesia; she will not recognise me.” I shrugged.

“But why do you not want to meet her?” She asked, again.

Bile started rising upto my throat and even though I don't mind sharing anything about me, I don't have enough strength to speak everything aloud. What will she think of me if I tell her that I'm glad that my mother doesn't have her memories? What if I tell her that I wish that she never remembers anything, not even about me?

When I got a call from the hospital that she's awake, for a moment I was numb. I didn't know what to feel or what to do but one thing I was pretty sure that I'm not going see her. I never did.

“What if she recognises me?” I blurted out.

I thought she's going to ask more but instead she just nodded. “Oh, look, the stars are coming up.” She pointed to the sky and smiled.

“Wait a little more, it'd be worth coming here.” I smiled back.

“It is already.” She winked.

I licked my lips and couldn't stop myself from looking at her bare thigh. Her skirt had shifted a little above it's normal length and I didn't want to think but illegal thoughts started crossing my mind. My fingers itched to trace every single inch of her bare thigh. Fuck, thighs. I want to trace every inch of her body.

I pushed saliva down my throat and forced myself to look anywhere but her. I didn't take her here to sleep with her. I shouldn't think all of this.


Next chapter is also updated :)

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