t h i r t y - f i v e

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"On a scale of one to ten, how much do you want to kill me?" I asked, suprisingly without shuttering.

"Zero?" Nate said.

"And why is that? I mean it was you who said that you enjoy uh, killing people." I whispered.

"I do but there could be some exceptions." He shrugged.

"And why I came into the list of those exceptions?" I asked.

He didn't say anything. He fumbled with the chocolate in his hands and looked everybody but me. I smiled, I'm glad that this is going exactly where I want it to be.

"Boss was in good mood last night. Did something happen between you two?" After a pause, he decided to divert the topic.

Very well.

"Whenever you're with me please refer him by his name. This boss word weirds me out."

"Axel was in good mood last night. Did something happen between you two?" He rolled his eyes.

"Much better." I chuckled.

"Does this thing really works? I mean just sitting here and talking to you will help Boss- I mean Axel?" He asked.

"Hopefully. Medications and therapy both are important, I'll try both of these on him and you too." I smiled.

"Nothing's wrong with me. I don't hurt myself nor do I get the urge to chop human flesh and feed it to animals like him." He shrugged.

With how casually he said those words, I get goosebumps all over my hands. Focus.

I cleared my throat. "Tell me something about your childhood. Some kind of happy memories?"

"None." He replied, flatly.

"Then tell me any memory that's engraved in your mind of your childhood." I asked.

"I don't remember."

I sighed. "You promised me that you'd co-operate if I take Axel back to therapy sessions."

He closed his eyes for a moment and then let out a dry laugh. "Trust me doctor, you won't like it."

"I'd still like to hear."

"My step mother sold me to a group of five rich women when I was twelve. One of them put me in their farmhouse and probably there husbands dick wasn't big enough that they needed a dick of twelve years old. All of them raped me and played fucked up games with my naked body." He said with a straight face.

I froze at my place and stared at him in disbelief. I covered my mouth with my palm and felt bile rising upto my throat.

"Oh god-Nate. I'm so sorry...." I whispered, still his words ranging inside my ear.

Disgust crawl upto my body. How can someone do this to a child?

I tried to say something but nothing came out of my mouth. My mind went blank for a minute before he decided to break the silence.

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